package mtas.codec.tree;

 * The Class IntervalRBTreeNode.
 * @param <T> the generic type
public class IntervalRBTreeNode<T>
    extends IntervalTreeNode<T, IntervalRBTreeNode<T>> {

  /** The Constant BLACK. */
  static final int BLACK = 1;

  /** The Constant RED. */
  static final int RED = 0;

  /** The color. */
  public int color;

  /** The n. */
  public int n;

  // node with start and end position
   * Instantiates a new interval RB tree node.
   * @param left the left
   * @param right the right
   * @param color the color
   * @param n the n
  public IntervalRBTreeNode(int left, int right, int color, int n) {
    super(left, right);
    this.color = color;
    this.n = n;
