package mtas.codec.tree;

import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.SortedMap;

import mtas.analysis.token.MtasPosition;
import mtas.analysis.token.MtasToken;

 * The Class MtasTree.
 * @param <N> the number type
abstract public class MtasTree<N extends MtasTreeNode<N>> {

  /** The Constant SINGLE_POSITION_TREE. */
  final public static byte SINGLE_POSITION_TREE = 1;

  /** The Constant STORE_ADDITIONAL_ID. */
  final public static byte STORE_ADDITIONAL_ID = 2;

  /** The root. */
  protected N root;

  /** The closed. */
  private Boolean closed;

  /** The single point. */
  protected Boolean singlePoint;

  /** The store prefix and term ref. */
  protected Boolean storePrefixAndTermRef;

   * Instantiates a new mtas tree.
   * @param singlePoint the single point
   * @param storePrefixAndTermRef the store prefix and term ref
  public MtasTree(boolean singlePoint, boolean storePrefixAndTermRef) {
    root = null;
    closed = false;
    this.singlePoint = singlePoint;
    this.storePrefixAndTermRef = storePrefixAndTermRef;

   * Adds the id from doc.
   * @param docId the doc id
   * @param reference the reference
  final public void addIdFromDoc(Integer docId, Long reference) {
    if (!closed && (docId != null)) {
      addSinglePoint(docId, 0, 0, docId, reference);

   * Adds the parent from token.
   * @param token the token
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  final public void addParentFromToken(MtasToken token) throws IOException {
    if (!closed && (token != null)) {
      if (token.checkParentId()) {
        addSinglePoint(token.getParentId(), token.getPrefixId(),
            token.getTermRef(), token.getId(), token.getTokenRef());

   * Adds the position and object from token.
   * @param token the token
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  final public void addPositionAndObjectFromToken(MtasToken token)
      throws IOException {
    addPositionFromToken(token, token.getTokenRef());

  // final public <T> void addPositionAndTermFromToken(MtasToken<T> token) {
  // addPositionFromToken(token, token.getTermRef());
  // }

   * Adds the position from token.
   * @param token the token
   * @param ref the ref
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  final private void addPositionFromToken(MtasToken token, Long ref)
      throws IOException {
    int prefixId = storePrefixAndTermRef ? token.getPrefixId() : 0;
    if (!closed && (token != null)) {
      if (token.checkPositionType(MtasPosition.POSITION_SINGLE)) {
        addSinglePoint(token.getPositionStart(), prefixId, token.getTermRef(),
            token.getId(), ref);
      } else if (token.checkPositionType(MtasPosition.POSITION_RANGE)) {
        addRange(token.getPositionStart(), token.getPositionEnd(), prefixId,
            token.getTermRef(), token.getId(), ref);
      } else if (token.checkPositionType(MtasPosition.POSITION_SET)) {
        // split set into minimum number of single points and ranges
        SortedMap<Integer, Integer> list = new TreeMap<>();
        int[] positions = token.getPositions();
        Integer lastPoint = null;
        Integer startPoint = null;
        for (int position : positions) {
          if (lastPoint == null) {
            startPoint = position;
            lastPoint = position;
          } else if ((position - lastPoint) != 1) {
            list.put(startPoint, lastPoint);
            startPoint = position;
          lastPoint = position;
        if (lastPoint != null) {
          list.put(startPoint, lastPoint);
        for (Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : list.entrySet()) {
          if (entry.getKey().equals(entry.getValue())) {
            addSinglePoint(entry.getKey(), prefixId, token.getTermRef(),
                token.getId(), ref);
          } else {
            addRange(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), prefixId,
                token.getTermRef(), token.getId(), ref);

   * Close.
   * @return the n
  final public N close() {
    if (root == null) {
      addRangeEmpty(0, 0, 0, 0);
    closed = true;
    return root;

   * Adds the single point.
   * @param position the position
   * @param additionalId the additional id
   * @param additionalRef the additional ref
   * @param id the id
   * @param ref the ref
  abstract protected void addSinglePoint(int position, int additionalId,
      long additionalRef, Integer id, Long ref);

   * Adds the range.
   * @param left the left
   * @param right the right
   * @param additionalId the additional id
   * @param additionalRef the additional ref
   * @param id the id
   * @param ref the ref
  abstract protected void addRange(int left, int right, int additionalId,
      long additionalRef, Integer id, Long ref);

   * Adds the range empty.
   * @param left the left
   * @param right the right
   * @param additionalId the additional id
   * @param additionalRef the additional ref
  abstract protected void addRangeEmpty(int left, int right, int additionalId,
      long additionalRef);

   * Checks if is single point.
   * @return true, if is single point
  final public boolean isSinglePoint() {
    return singlePoint;

   * Checks if is store prefix and term ref.
   * @return true, if is store prefix and term ref
  final public boolean isStorePrefixAndTermRef() {
    return storePrefixAndTermRef;

   * Prints the balance.
  final public void printBalance() {
    printBalance(1, root);

   * Prints the balance.
   * @param p the p
   * @param n the n
  final private void printBalance(Integer p, N n) {
    if (n != null) {
      printBalance((p + 1), n.leftChild);
      String format = "%" + (3 * p) + "s";
      System.out.print(String.format(format, ""));
      if (n.left == n.right) {
            "[" + n.left + "] (" + n.max + ") : " + n.ids.size() + " tokens");
      } else {
        System.out.println("[" + n.left + "-" + n.right + "] (" + n.max + ") : "
            + n.ids.size() + " tokens");
      printBalance((p + 1), n.rightChild);
