package mtas.codec.util.collector;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;

import mtas.codec.util.CodecUtil;
import mtas.codec.util.DataCollector;

 * The Class MtasDataFull.
 * @param <T1> the generic type
 * @param <T2> the generic type
abstract class MtasDataFull<T1 extends Number & Comparable<T1>, T2 extends Number & Comparable<T2>>
    extends MtasDataCollector<T1, T2> implements Serializable {

  /** The Constant serialVersionUID. */
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  /** The full value list. */
  protected T1[][] fullValueList = null;

  /** The new full value list. */
  protected T1[][] newFullValueList = null;

  /** The operations. */
  protected MtasDataOperations<T1, T2> operations;

   * Instantiates a new mtas data full.
   * @param collectorType the collector type
   * @param dataType the data type
   * @param statsItems the stats items
   * @param sortType the sort type
   * @param sortDirection the sort direction
   * @param start the start
   * @param number the number
   * @param subCollectorTypes the sub collector types
   * @param subDataTypes the sub data types
   * @param subStatsTypes the sub stats types
   * @param subStatsItems the sub stats items
   * @param subSortTypes the sub sort types
   * @param subSortDirections the sub sort directions
   * @param subStart the sub start
   * @param subNumber the sub number
   * @param operations the operations
   * @param segmentRegistration the segment registration
   * @param boundary the boundary
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  public MtasDataFull(String collectorType, String dataType,
      SortedSet<String> statsItems, String sortType, String sortDirection,
      Integer start, Integer number, String[] subCollectorTypes,
      String[] subDataTypes, String[] subStatsTypes,
      SortedSet<String>[] subStatsItems, String[] subSortTypes,
      String[] subSortDirections, Integer[] subStart, Integer[] subNumber,
      MtasDataOperations<T1, T2> operations, String segmentRegistration,
      String boundary) throws IOException {
    super(collectorType, dataType, CodecUtil.STATS_FULL, statsItems, sortType,
        sortDirection, start, number, subCollectorTypes, subDataTypes,
        subStatsTypes, subStatsItems, subSortTypes, subSortDirections, subStart,
        subNumber, segmentRegistration, boundary);
    this.operations = operations;

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
   * mtas.codec.util.DataCollector.MtasDataCollector#error(java.lang.String)
  public final void error(String error) throws IOException {
    setError(newCurrentPosition, error, newCurrentExisting);

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
   * mtas.codec.util.DataCollector.MtasDataCollector#error(java.lang.String[],
   * java.lang.String)
  public final void error(String key, String error) throws IOException {
    if (key != null) {
      add(key, false);
      setError(newCurrentPosition, error, newCurrentExisting);

   * Sets the error.
   * @param newPosition the new position
   * @param error the error
   * @param currentExisting the current existing
  protected void setError(int newPosition, String error,
      boolean currentExisting) {
    if (!currentExisting) {
      newFullValueList[newPosition] = operations.createVector1(0);
    if (newErrorList[newPosition].containsKey(error)) {
          newErrorList[newPosition].get(error) + 1);
    } else {
      newErrorList[newPosition].put(error, 1);

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see mtas.codec.util.DataCollector.MtasDataCollector#increaseNewListSize()
  protected final void increaseNewListSize() throws IOException {
    // register old situation
    int tmpOldSize = newKeyList.length;
    int tmpNewPosition = newPosition;
    // increase
    // reconstruct
    T1[][] tmpNewFullValueList = newFullValueList;
    newFullValueList = operations.createMatrix1(newSize);
    newPosition = tmpNewPosition;
    System.arraycopy(tmpNewFullValueList, 0, newFullValueList, 0, tmpOldSize);

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see mtas.codec.util.collector.MtasDataCollector#reduceToSegmentKeys()
  public void reduceToSegmentKeys() {
    if (segmentRegistration != null && size > 0) {
      int sizeCopy = size;
      String[] keyListCopy = keyList.clone();
      T1[][] fullValueListCopy = fullValueList.clone();
      size = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < sizeCopy; i++) {
        if (segmentKeys.contains(keyListCopy[i])) {
          keyList[size] = keyListCopy[i];
          fullValueList[size] = fullValueListCopy[i];

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
   * mtas.codec.util.collector.MtasDataCollector#reduceToKeys(java.util.Set)
  public void reduceToKeys(Set<String> keys) {
    if (size > 0) {
      int sizeCopy = size;
      String[] keyListCopy = keyList.clone();
      int[] errorNumberCopy = errorNumber.clone();
      HashMap<String, Integer>[] errorListCopy = errorList.clone();
      int[] sourceNumberListCopy = sourceNumberList.clone();
      T1[][] fullValueListCopy = fullValueList.clone();
      for (int i = 0; i < fullValueListCopy.length; i++) {
        if (fullValueListCopy[i] != null) {
          fullValueListCopy[i] = fullValueListCopy[i].clone();
      keyList = new String[keys.size()];
      errorNumber = new int[keys.size()];
      errorList = new HashMap[keys.size()];
      sourceNumberList = new int[keys.size()];
      fullValueList = operations.createMatrix1(keys.size());
      size = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < sizeCopy; i++) {
        if (keys.contains(keyListCopy[i])) {
          keyList[size] = keyListCopy[i];
          errorNumber[size] = errorNumberCopy[i];
          errorList[size] = errorListCopy[i];
          sourceNumberList[size] = sourceNumberListCopy[i];
          fullValueList[size] = fullValueListCopy[i];

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see mtas.codec.util.DataCollector.MtasDataCollector#copyToNew(int, int)
  protected void copyToNew(int position, int newPosition) {
    newFullValueList[newPosition] = fullValueList[position];

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see mtas.codec.util.DataCollector.MtasDataCollector#copyFromNew()
  protected void copyFromNew() {
    fullValueList = newFullValueList;

   * Sets the value.
   * @param newPosition the new position
   * @param values the values
   * @param number the number
   * @param currentExisting the current existing
  protected void setValue(int newPosition, T1[] values, int number,
      boolean currentExisting) {
    if (number > 0) {
      if (currentExisting) {
        T1[] tmpList = operations
            .createVector1(newFullValueList[newPosition].length + number);
        System.arraycopy(newFullValueList[newPosition], 0, tmpList, 0,
        System.arraycopy(values, 0, tmpList,
            newFullValueList[newPosition].length, number);
        newFullValueList[newPosition] = tmpList;
      } else {
        if (number < values.length) {
          T1[] tmpList = operations.createVector1(number);
          System.arraycopy(values, 0, tmpList, 0, number);
          newFullValueList[newPosition] = tmpList;
        } else {
          newFullValueList[newPosition] = values;

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see mtas.codec.util.DataCollector.MtasDataCollector#remapData(int[][])
  protected void remapData(int[][] mapping) throws IOException {
    T1[][] originalFullValueList = fullValueList.clone();
    fullValueList = operations.createMatrix1(mapping.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < mapping.length; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < mapping[i].length; j++) {
        if (j == 0) {
          setValue(i, originalFullValueList[mapping[i][j]],
              originalFullValueList[mapping[i][j]].length, false);
        } else {
          setValue(i, originalFullValueList[mapping[i][j]],
              originalFullValueList[mapping[i][j]].length, true);
    fullValueList = newFullValueList;

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see mtas.codec.util.DataCollector.MtasDataCollector#merge(mtas.codec.util.
   * DataCollector.MtasDataCollector)
  public void merge(MtasDataCollector<?, ?> newDataCollector,
      Map<MtasDataCollector<?, ?>, MtasDataCollector<?, ?>> map,
      boolean increaseSourceNumber) throws IOException {
    if (!collectorType.equals(newDataCollector.getCollectorType())
        || !dataType.equals(newDataCollector.getDataType())
        || !statsType.equals(newDataCollector.getStatsType())
        || !(newDataCollector instanceof MtasDataFull)) {
      throw new IOException("cannot merge different dataCollectors");
    } else {
      segmentRegistration = null;
      MtasDataFull<T1, T2> newMtasDataFull = (MtasDataFull<T1, T2>) newDataCollector;
      if (collectorType.equals(DataCollector.COLLECTOR_TYPE_LIST)) {
        map.put(newDataCollector, this);
        for (int i = 0; i < newMtasDataFull.getSize(); i++) {
          if (newMtasDataFull.fullValueList[i].length > 0) {
            MtasDataCollector<?, ?>[] subCollectors = new MtasDataCollector<?, ?>[1];
            subCollectors[0] = add(newMtasDataFull.keyList[i],
            setError(newCurrentPosition, newMtasDataFull.errorNumber[i],
                newMtasDataFull.errorList[i], newCurrentExisting);
            setValue(newCurrentPosition, newMtasDataFull.fullValueList[i],
                newMtasDataFull.fullValueList[i].length, newCurrentExisting);
            if (hasSub() && newMtasDataFull.hasSub()) {
              // single key implies exactly one subCollector if hasSub
                  newMtasDataFull.subCollectorListNextLevel[i], map,
      } else if (collectorType.equals(DataCollector.COLLECTOR_TYPE_DATA)) {
        map.put(newDataCollector, this);
        if (newMtasDataFull.getSize() > 0) {
          MtasDataCollector<?, ?> subCollector = add(increaseSourceNumber);
          setError(newCurrentPosition, newMtasDataFull.errorNumber[0],
              newMtasDataFull.errorList[0], newCurrentExisting);
          setValue(newCurrentPosition, newMtasDataFull.fullValueList[0],
              newMtasDataFull.fullValueList[0].length, newCurrentExisting);
          if (hasSub() && newMtasDataFull.hasSub()) {
            subCollector.merge(newMtasDataFull.subCollectorNextLevel, map,
      } else {
        throw new IOException("cannot merge " + collectorType);

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see mtas.codec.util.DataCollector.MtasDataCollector#initNewList(int)
  public final void initNewList(int maxNumberOfTerms) throws IOException {

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see mtas.codec.util.DataCollector.MtasDataCollector#initNewList(int,
   * java.lang.String)
  public final void initNewList(int maxNumberOfTerms, String segmentName,
      int segmentNumber, String boundary) throws IOException {
    super.initNewList(maxNumberOfTerms, segmentName, segmentNumber, boundary);

   * Inits the new list basic.
   * @param maxNumberOfTerms the max number of terms
  private void initNewListBasic(int maxNumberOfTerms) {
    newFullValueList = operations.createMatrix1(newSize);
