package mtas.codec.util.distance;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import mtas.analysis.token.MtasToken;
* The Class MorseDistance.
public class MorseDistance extends Distance {
/** The initial state. */
protected final double[] initialState;
/** The Constant defaultDeletionDistance. */
protected final static double defaultDeletionDistance = 1.0;
/** The Constant defaultInsertionDistance. */
protected final static double defaultInsertionDistance = 10.0;
/** The Constant defaultReplaceDistance. */
protected final static double defaultReplaceDistance = 10.0;
/** The Constant defaultTranspositionDistance. */
protected final static double defaultTranspositionDistance = 10.0;
/** The deletion distance. */
protected double deletionDistance;
/** The insertion distance. */
protected double insertionDistance;
/** The replace distance. */
protected double replaceDistance;
/** The transposition distance. */
protected double transpositionDistance;
protected final static String PARAMETER_DELETIONDISTANCE = "deletionDistance";
protected final static String PARAMETER_INSERTIONDISTANCE = "insertionDistance";
protected final static String PARAMETER_REPLACEDISTANCE = "replaceDistance";
protected final static String PARAMETER_TRANSPOSITIONDISTANCE = "transpositionDistance";
/** The morse base. */
protected final String morseBase;
/** The Constant ALPHABET_MORSE. */
private static final Map<Byte, String> ALPHABET_MORSE;
static {
Map<Byte, String> m = new HashMap<>();
m.put((byte) 'a', ".-");
m.put((byte) 'b', "-...");
m.put((byte) 'c', "-.-.");
m.put((byte) 'd', "-..");
m.put((byte) 'e', ".");
m.put((byte) 'f', "..-.");
m.put((byte) 'g', "--.");
m.put((byte) 'h', "....");
m.put((byte) 'i', "..");
m.put((byte) 'j', ".---");
m.put((byte) 'k', "-.-");
m.put((byte) 'l', ".-..");
m.put((byte) 'm', "--");
m.put((byte) 'n', "-.");
m.put((byte) 'o', "---");
m.put((byte) 'p', ".--.");
m.put((byte) 'q', "--.-");
m.put((byte) 'r', ".-.");
m.put((byte) 's', "...");
m.put((byte) 't', "-");
m.put((byte) 'u', "..-");
m.put((byte) 'v', "...-");
m.put((byte) 'w', ".--");
m.put((byte) 'x', "-..-");
m.put((byte) 'y', "-.--");
m.put((byte) 'z', "--..");
m.put((byte) '1', ".----");
m.put((byte) '2', "..---");
m.put((byte) '3', "...--");
m.put((byte) '4', "....-");
m.put((byte) '5', ".....");
m.put((byte) '6', "-....");
m.put((byte) '7', "--...");
m.put((byte) '8', "---..");
m.put((byte) '9', "----.");
m.put((byte) '0', "-----");
ALPHABET_MORSE = Collections.unmodifiableMap(m);
* Instantiates a new morse distance.
* @param prefix the prefix
* @param base the base
* @param maximum the maximum
* @param parameters the parameters
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public MorseDistance(String prefix, String base, Double minimum, Double maximum,
Map<String, String> parameters) throws IOException {
super(prefix, base, minimum, maximum, parameters);
deletionDistance = defaultDeletionDistance;
insertionDistance = defaultInsertionDistance;
replaceDistance = defaultReplaceDistance;
transpositionDistance = defaultTranspositionDistance;
if (parameters != null) {
for (Entry<String, String> entry : parameters.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().equals(PARAMETER_DELETIONDISTANCE)) {
deletionDistance = Double.parseDouble(entry.getValue());
} else if (entry.getKey().equals(PARAMETER_INSERTIONDISTANCE)) {
insertionDistance = Double.parseDouble(entry.getValue());
} else if (entry.getKey().equals(PARAMETER_REPLACEDISTANCE)) {
replaceDistance = Double.parseDouble(entry.getValue());
} else if (entry.getKey().equals(PARAMETER_TRANSPOSITIONDISTANCE)) {
transpositionDistance = Double.parseDouble(entry.getValue());
if (deletionDistance < 0 || insertionDistance < 0 || replaceDistance < 0
|| transpositionDistance < 0) {
throw new IOException("distances should be zero or positive");
morseBase = computeMorse(new BytesRef(prefix + MtasToken.DELIMITER + base));
initialState = new double[morseBase.length() + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= morseBase.length(); i++) {
initialState[i] = i * insertionDistance;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* mtas.codec.util.distance.Distance#validate(org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef)
public boolean validateMaximum(BytesRef term) {
if (morseBase == null) {
return false;
} else if (maximum == null) {
return true;
} else {
double[][] state = _start();
byte b0;
String morse;
char ch2 = 0x00;
int i = term.offset + prefixOffset;
for (; i < term.length; i++) {
b0 = term.bytes[i];
if (b0 == 0x00) {
if (ALPHABET_MORSE.containsKey(b0)) {
morse = ALPHABET_MORSE.get(b0)+" ";
for (char ch1 : morse.toCharArray()) {
state = _step(state, ch1, ch2);
if (!_can_match(state)) {
return false;
ch2 = ch1;
} else {
return false;
return _is_match(state);
public boolean validateMinimum(BytesRef term) {
if (minimum == null) {
return true;
} else {
return compute(term)>minimum;
public double compute(BytesRef term) {
String morseKey = computeMorse(term);
if(morseKey==null) {
return Double.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
double[][] state = _start();
char ch2 = 0x00;
for (char ch1 : morseKey.toCharArray()) {
if (ch1 == 0x00) {
state = _step(state, ch1, ch2);
ch2 = ch1;
return _distance(state);
public double compute(String key) {
String morseKey = computeMorse(key);
if(morseKey==null) {
return Double.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
double[][] state = _start();
char ch2 = 0x00;
for (char ch1 : morseKey.toCharArray()) {
if (ch1 == 0x00) {
state = _step(state, ch1, ch2);
ch2 = ch1;
return _distance(state);
* Start.
* @return the double[][]
private double[][] _start() {
double[][] startState = new double[3][];
startState[0] = new double[initialState.length];
startState[1] = new double[initialState.length];
startState[2] = Arrays.copyOf(initialState, initialState.length);
return startState;
* Step.
* @param state the state
* @param ch1 the ch 1
* @param ch2 the ch 2
* @return the double[][]
private double[][] _step(double[][] state, char ch1, char ch2) {
double cost;
state[2][0] = state[1][0] + deletionDistance;
for (int i = 0; i < morseBase.length(); i++) {
cost = (morseBase.charAt(i) == ch1) ? 0 : replaceDistance;
state[2][i + 1] = Math.min(state[2][i] + insertionDistance,
state[1][i] + cost);
state[2][i + 1] = Math.min(state[2][i + 1],
state[1][i + 1] + deletionDistance);
if (i > 0 && ch2 != 0x00 && (morseBase.charAt(i - 1) == ch1)
&& (morseBase.charAt(i) == ch2)) {
state[2][i + 1] = Math.min(state[2][i + 1],
state[0][i - 1] + transpositionDistance);
return state;
* Shift.
* @param state the state
private void _shift(double[][] state) {
double[] tmpState = state[0];
state[0] = state[1];
state[1] = state[2];
state[2] = tmpState;
* Checks if is match.
* @param state the state
* @return true, if successful
private boolean _is_match(double[][] state) {
return state[2][state[2].length - 1] < maximum;
* Can match.
* @param state the state
* @return true, if successful
private boolean _can_match(double[][] state) {
for (double d : state[2]) {
if (d < maximum) {
return true;
return false;
* Distance.
* @param state the state
* @return the double
private double _distance(double[][] state) {
return state[2][state[2].length - 1];
* Compute morse.
* @param term the term
* @return the string
private String computeMorse(BytesRef term) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
int i = term.offset + prefixOffset;
for (; i < term.length; i++) {
if (ALPHABET_MORSE.containsKey(term.bytes[i])) {
stringBuilder.append(ALPHABET_MORSE.get(term.bytes[i]) + " ");
} else if(term.bytes[i]!=0x00){
return null;
} else {
return stringBuilder.toString();
private String computeMorse(String key) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
Byte b;
for (char ch : key.toCharArray()) {
b = (byte) ch;
if (ALPHABET_MORSE.containsKey(b)) {
stringBuilder.append(ALPHABET_MORSE.get(b) + " ");
} else {
return null;
return stringBuilder.toString();