package mtas.codec.util;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import mtas.analysis.token.MtasToken;
import mtas.analysis.token.MtasTokenString;
import mtas.codec.MtasCodecPostingsFormat;
import mtas.codec.tree.IntervalTreeNodeData;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.ComponentDocument;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.ComponentFacet;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.ComponentField;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.ComponentGroup;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.ComponentCollection;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.ComponentKwic;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.ComponentList;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.ComponentPosition;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.ComponentSpan;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.ComponentTermVector;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.ComponentToken;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.GroupHit;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.KwicHit;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.KwicToken;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.ListHit;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.ListToken;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.Match;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.SubComponentDistance;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecComponent.SubComponentFunction;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecInfo.IndexDoc;
import mtas.codec.util.CodecSearchTree.MtasTreeHit;
import mtas.codec.util.collector.MtasDataCollector;
import mtas.parser.function.ParseException;
import mtas.parser.function.util.MtasFunctionParserFunction;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.index.DocValuesType;
import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo;
import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfos;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableField;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.NumericDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.PostingsEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SortedDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SortedNumericDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SortedSetDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Terms;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermsEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.Automaton;
import org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.ByteRunAutomaton;
import org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.CompiledAutomaton;
import org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.RegExp;
import org.apache.solr.legacy.LegacyNumericUtils;
import org.apache.solr.schema.NumberType;
* The Class CodecCollector.
public class CodecCollector {
/** The Constant log. */
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CodecCollector.class);
* Instantiates a new codec collector.
public CodecCollector() {
* Collect field.
* @param field
* the field
* @param searcher
* the searcher
* @param reader
* the reader
* @param rawReader
* the raw reader
* @param fullDocList
* the full doc list
* @param fullDocSet
* the full doc set
* @param fieldInfo
* the field info
* @param spansQueryWeight
* the spans query weight
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* the illegal access exception
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* the illegal argument exception
* @throws InvocationTargetException
* the invocation target exception
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public static void collectField(String field, IndexSearcher searcher,
IndexReader reader, IndexReader rawReader, List<Integer> fullDocList,
List<Integer> fullDocSet, ComponentField fieldInfo,
Map<MtasSpanQuery, SpanWeight> spansQueryWeight, Status status)
throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException,
InvocationTargetException, IOException {
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> docSets = new HashMap<>();
ListIterator<LeafReaderContext> iterator = reader.leaves().listIterator();
long numberOfDocumentsFound = 0;
if (status != null) {
status.init(reader.numDocs(), reader.leaves().size());
if (fullDocSet != null && status.numberDocumentsFound == null) {
status.numberDocumentsFound = numberOfDocumentsFound;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
// try
// {
// Thread.sleep(10000);
// }
// catch(InterruptedException ex)
// {
// Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
// }
LeafReaderContext lrc =;
LeafReader r = lrc.reader();
// compute relevant docSet/docList
List<Integer> docSet = null;
List<Integer> docList = null;
if (fullDocSet != null) {
docSet = new ArrayList<>();
docSets.put(lrc.ord, docSet);
Iterator<Integer> docSetIterator = fullDocSet.iterator();
Integer docSetId = null;
Bits liveDocs = lrc.reader().getLiveDocs();
while (docSetIterator.hasNext()) {
docSetId =;
// just to make sure to ignore deleted documents
if ((docSetId >= lrc.docBase)
&& (docSetId < lrc.docBase + lrc.reader().maxDoc())
&& (liveDocs == null || liveDocs.get((docSetId - lrc.docBase)))) {
numberOfDocumentsFound += docSet.size();
status.numberDocumentsFound = Math.max(status.numberDocumentsFound,
if (fullDocList != null) {
docList = new ArrayList<>();
Iterator<Integer> docListIterator = fullDocList.iterator();
Integer docListId = null;
while (docListIterator.hasNext()) {
docListId =;
if ((docListId >= lrc.docBase)
&& (docListId < lrc.docBase + lrc.reader().maxDoc())) {
Terms t = rawReader.leaves().get(lrc.ord).reader().terms(field);
CodecInfo mtasCodecInfo = t == null ? null
: CodecInfo.getCodecInfoFromTerms(t);
collectSpansPositionsAndTokens(spansQueryWeight, searcher, mtasCodecInfo,
r, lrc, field, t, docSet, docList, fieldInfo,
rawReader.leaves().get(lrc.ord).reader().getFieldInfos(), status);
field, fieldInfo, status);
if (status != null) {
Integer segmentNumber;
Long documentNumber;
if ((segmentNumber = status.subNumberSegmentsFinished
.get(field)) != null) {
status.subNumberSegmentsFinished.put(field, segmentNumber + 1);
status.numberSegmentsFinished = Collections
if ((documentNumber = status.subNumberDocumentsFinished
.get(field)) != null) {
documentNumber + r.numDocs());
status.subNumberDocumentsFinishedTotal += +r.numDocs();
status.numberDocumentsFinished = Collections
// check termvectors
if (!fieldInfo.termVectorList.isEmpty()
&& needSecondRoundTermvector(fieldInfo.termVectorList)) {
// check positions
boolean needPositions = false;
if (!fieldInfo.termVectorList.isEmpty()) {
for (ComponentTermVector ctv : fieldInfo.termVectorList) {
if (!needPositions) {
needPositions = ctv.functions != null ? ctv.functionNeedPositions()
: needPositions;
Map<Integer, Integer> positionsData = null;
// loop
iterator = reader.leaves().listIterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
LeafReaderContext lrc =;
LeafReader r = lrc.reader();
List<Integer> docSet = docSets.get(lrc.ord);
Terms t = rawReader.leaves().get(lrc.ord).reader().terms(field);
if (needPositions) {
CodecInfo mtasCodecInfo = t == null ? null
: CodecInfo.getCodecInfoFromTerms(t);
positionsData = computePositions(mtasCodecInfo, r, lrc, field,
createTermvectorSecondRound(fieldInfo.termVectorList, positionsData,
docSets.get(lrc.ord), t, r, lrc, status);
* Collect collection.
* @param reader
* the reader
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @param collectionInfo
* the collection info
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public static void collectCollection(IndexReader reader, List<Integer> docSet,
ComponentCollection collectionInfo) throws IOException {
if (collectionInfo.action().equals(ComponentCollection.ACTION_CHECK)) {
// can't do anything in lucene for check
} else if (collectionInfo.action()
.equals(ComponentCollection.ACTION_LIST)) {
// can't do anything in lucene for list
} else if (collectionInfo.action()
.equals(ComponentCollection.ACTION_CREATE)) {
BytesRef term = null;
PostingsEnum postingsEnum = null;
Integer docId;
Integer termDocId = -1;
Terms terms;
LeafReaderContext lrc;
LeafReader r;
ListIterator<LeafReaderContext> iterator = reader.leaves().listIterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
lrc =;
r = lrc.reader();
for (String field : collectionInfo.fields()) {
if ((terms = r.terms(field)) != null) {
TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator();
while ((term = != null) {
Iterator<Integer> docIterator = docSet.iterator();
postingsEnum = termsEnum.postings(postingsEnum,
termDocId = -1;
while (docIterator.hasNext()) {
docId = - lrc.docBase;
if ((docId >= termDocId) && ((docId.equals(termDocId))
|| ((termDocId = postingsEnum.advance(docId))
.equals(docId)))) {
if (termDocId.equals(PostingsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS)) {
* Collect spans positions and tokens.
* @param spansQueryWeight
* the spans query weight
* @param searcher
* the searcher
* @param mtasCodecInfo
* the mtas codec info
* @param r
* the r
* @param lrc
* the lrc
* @param field
* the field
* @param t
* the t
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @param docList
* the doc list
* @param fieldInfo
* the field info
* @param fieldInfos
* the field infos
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void collectSpansPositionsAndTokens(
Map<MtasSpanQuery, SpanWeight> spansQueryWeight, IndexSearcher searcher,
CodecInfo mtasCodecInfo, LeafReader r, LeafReaderContext lrc,
String field, Terms t, List<Integer> docSet, List<Integer> docList,
ComponentField fieldInfo, FieldInfos fieldInfos, Status status)
throws IOException {
boolean needSpans = false;
boolean needPositions = false;
boolean needTokens = false;
// results
Map<Integer, Integer> positionsData = null;
Map<Integer, Integer> tokensData = null;
Set<MtasSpanQuery> spansNumberByPositions = null;
Map<MtasSpanQuery, Map<Integer, Integer>> spansNumberData = null;
Map<MtasSpanQuery, Map<Integer, List<Match>>> spansMatchData = null;
Map<String, SortedMap<String, int[]>> facetData = null;
Map<String, String> facetDataType = null;
// collect position stats
if (!fieldInfo.statsPositionList.isEmpty()) {
needPositions = true;
// collect token stats
if (!fieldInfo.statsTokenList.isEmpty()) {
needTokens = true;
if (!fieldInfo.termVectorList.isEmpty()) {
for (ComponentTermVector ctv : fieldInfo.termVectorList) {
if (!needPositions) {
needPositions = (ctv.functions == null
? ctv.subComponentFunction.parserFunction.needPositions()
: ctv.functionNeedPositions());
// compute from spans for selected docs
if (!fieldInfo.spanQueryList.isEmpty()) {
// check for statsSpans
spansNumberByPositions = new HashSet<>();
spansNumberData = new HashMap<>();
spansMatchData = new HashMap<>();
facetData = new HashMap<>();
facetDataType = new HashMap<>();
// spans
if (!fieldInfo.statsSpanList.isEmpty()) {
for (ComponentSpan cs : fieldInfo.statsSpanList) {
needPositions = (!needPositions) ? cs.parser.needPositions()
: needPositions;
needPositions = (!needPositions) ? cs.functionNeedPositions()
: needPositions;
needSpans = (!needSpans) ? cs.parser.needArgumentsNumber() > 0
: needSpans;
HashSet<Integer> arguments = cs.parser.needArgument();
for (int a : arguments) {
if (cs.queries.length > a) {
MtasSpanQuery q = cs.queries[a];
if (!spansNumberData.containsKey(q)) {
spansNumberData.put(q, new HashMap<Integer, Integer>());
// kwic
if (!fieldInfo.kwicList.isEmpty()) {
needSpans = true;
for (ComponentKwic ck : fieldInfo.kwicList) {
if (!spansMatchData.containsKey(ck.query)) {
spansMatchData.put(ck.query, new HashMap<Integer, List<Match>>());
// list
if (!fieldInfo.listList.isEmpty()) {
needSpans = true;
for (ComponentList cl : fieldInfo.listList) {
if (!spansMatchData.containsKey(cl.spanQuery)) {
if (cl.number > 0) {
// only if needed
if (cl.position < (cl.start + cl.number)) {
new HashMap<Integer, List<Match>>());
} else {
new HashMap<Integer, Integer>());
} else if (!spansNumberData.containsKey(cl.spanQuery)) {
new HashMap<Integer, Integer>());
// group
if (!fieldInfo.groupList.isEmpty()) {
needSpans = true;
for (ComponentGroup cg : fieldInfo.groupList) {
if (!spansMatchData.containsKey(cg.spanQuery)) {
new HashMap<Integer, List<Match>>());
// facet
if (!fieldInfo.facetList.isEmpty()) {
for (ComponentFacet cf : fieldInfo.facetList) {
needPositions = !needPositions ? cf.baseParserNeedPositions()
: needPositions;
needPositions = !needPositions ? cf.functionNeedPositions()
: needPositions;
for (int i = 0; i < cf.baseFields.length; i++) {
needSpans = !needSpans ? cf.baseParsers[i].needArgumentsNumber() > 0
: needSpans;
HashSet<Integer> arguments = cf.baseParsers[i].needArgument();
for (int a : arguments) {
if (cf.spanQueries.length > a) {
MtasSpanQuery q = cf.spanQueries[a];
if (!spansNumberData.containsKey(q)) {
spansNumberData.put(q, new HashMap<Integer, Integer>());
for (MtasFunctionParserFunction function : cf.baseFunctionParserFunctions[i]) {
needSpans = !needSpans ? function.needArgumentsNumber() > 0
: needSpans;
arguments = function.needArgument();
for (int a : arguments) {
if (cf.spanQueries.length > a) {
MtasSpanQuery q = cf.spanQueries[a];
if (!spansNumberData.containsKey(q)) {
spansNumberData.put(q, new HashMap<Integer, Integer>());
if (!facetData.containsKey(cf.baseFields[i])) {
facetData.put(cf.baseFields[i], new TreeMap<String, int[]>());
facetDataType.put(cf.baseFields[i], cf.baseFieldTypes[i]);
// termvector
if (!fieldInfo.termVectorList.isEmpty()) {
for (ComponentTermVector ctv : fieldInfo.termVectorList) {
if ((ctv.subComponentFunction.parserFunction != null
&& ctv.subComponentFunction.parserFunction.needPositions())
|| (ctv.functions != null && ctv.functionNeedPositions())) {
needPositions = true;
if (needSpans) {
Map<Integer, Integer> numberData;
Map<Integer, List<Match>> matchData;
// collect values for facetFields
for (Entry<String, SortedMap<String, int[]>> entry : facetData
.entrySet()) {
FieldInfo fi = fieldInfos.fieldInfo(entry.getKey());
if (fi != null) {
// prefer to use pointvalue
if (!fi.getDocValuesType().equals(DocValuesType.NONE)) {
Iterator<Integer> docIterator = docSet.iterator();
// numeric or sorted
if (fi.getDocValuesType().equals(DocValuesType.NUMERIC)
|| fi.getDocValuesType().equals(DocValuesType.SORTED)
|| fi.getDocValuesType().equals(DocValuesType.SORTED_SET)
|| fi.getDocValuesType().equals(DocValuesType.SORTED_NUMERIC)
|| fi.getDocValuesType().equals(DocValuesType.BINARY)) {
// create map of values to corresponding docIds
Map<Object, List<Integer>> facetDataSubList = new HashMap<>();
// numeric
if (fi.getDocValuesType().equals(DocValuesType.NUMERIC)) {
NumericDocValues docValues = r.getContext().reader()
int docId;
while (docIterator.hasNext()) {
docId = - lrc.docBase;
if (docValues.advanceExact(docId)) {
long value = docValues.longValue();
if (!facetDataSubList.containsKey(value)) {
List<Integer> facetDataSubListItem = new ArrayList<>();
facetDataSubListItem.add(docId + lrc.docBase);
facetDataSubList.put(value, facetDataSubListItem);
} else {
facetDataSubList.get(value).add(docId + lrc.docBase);
// sorted numeric
} else if (fi.getDocValuesType().equals(DocValuesType.SORTED_NUMERIC)) {
SortedNumericDocValues docValues = r.getContext().reader()
int docId;
while (docIterator.hasNext()) {
docId = - lrc.docBase;
if (docValues.advanceExact(docId)) {
int n = docValues.docValueCount();
for(int i =0; i<n; i++) {
long value = docValues.nextValue();
if (!facetDataSubList.containsKey(value)) {
List<Integer> facetDataSubListItem = new ArrayList<>();
facetDataSubListItem.add(docId + lrc.docBase);
facetDataSubList.put(value, facetDataSubListItem);
} else {
facetDataSubList.get(value).add(docId + lrc.docBase);
// sorted set
} else if (fi.getDocValuesType().equals(DocValuesType.SORTED_SET)) {
SortedSetDocValues docValues = r.getContext().reader()
int docId;
Map<Long, String> dictionary = new HashMap<>();
while (docIterator.hasNext()) {
docId = - lrc.docBase;
if (docValues.advanceExact(docId)) {
long tmpValue;
String value;
while((tmpValue=docValues.nextOrd()) != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS) {
if(!dictionary.containsKey(tmpValue)) {
value = docValues.lookupOrd(tmpValue).utf8ToString();
dictionary.put(tmpValue, value);
} else {
value = dictionary.get(tmpValue);
if (!facetDataSubList.containsKey(value)) {
List<Integer> facetDataSubListItem = new ArrayList<>();
facetDataSubListItem.add(docId + lrc.docBase);
facetDataSubList.put(value, facetDataSubListItem);
} else {
facetDataSubList.get(value).add(docId + lrc.docBase);
// sorted
} else if (fi.getDocValuesType().equals(DocValuesType.SORTED)) {
SortedDocValues docValues = r.getContext().reader()
int docId;
while (docIterator.hasNext()) {
docId = - lrc.docBase;
if (docValues.advanceExact(docId)) {
String value = docValues.binaryValue().utf8ToString();
if (!facetDataSubList.containsKey(value)) {
List<Integer> facetDataSubListItem = new ArrayList<>();
facetDataSubListItem.add(docId + lrc.docBase);
facetDataSubList.put(value, facetDataSubListItem);
} else {
facetDataSubList.get(value).add(docId + lrc.docBase);
if (!facetDataSubList.isEmpty()) {
SortedMap<String, int[]> facetDataList = entry.getValue();
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(
for (Entry<Object, List<Integer>> facetEntry : facetDataSubList
.entrySet()) {
int[] docIdList = facetEntry.getValue().stream()
.mapToInt(i -> i).toArray();
String termValue;
if (facetDataType.get(entry.getKey())
.equals( {
Date date = new Date((Long) facetEntry.getKey());
termValue = sdf.format(date);
} else {
termValue = facetEntry.getKey().toString();
if (!facetDataList.containsKey(termValue)) {
facetDataList.put(termValue, docIdList);
} else {
int[] oldList = facetDataList.get(termValue);
int[] newList = new int[oldList.length + docIdList.length];
System.arraycopy(oldList, 0, newList, 0, oldList.length);
System.arraycopy(docIdList, 0, newList, oldList.length,
facetDataList.put(termValue, newList);
} else {
throw new IOException("facets for docValues of type "
+ fi.getDocValuesType() + " not implemented");
} else if (!docSet.isEmpty()) {
if (facetDataType.get(entry.getKey())
throw new IOException(
"can't create facets for pointField without docValues");
Terms fft = r.terms(entry.getKey());
if (fft != null) {
TermsEnum termsEnum = fft.iterator();
BytesRef term = null;
PostingsEnum postingsEnum = null;
SortedMap<String, int[]> facetDataList = entry.getValue();
while ((term = != null) {
int docId;
int termDocId = -1;
int[] facetDataSublist = new int[docSet.size()];
int facetDataSublistCounter = 0;
Iterator<Integer> docIterator = docSet.iterator();
postingsEnum = termsEnum.postings(postingsEnum);
while (docIterator.hasNext()) {
docId = - lrc.docBase;
if (docId >= termDocId
&& ((docId == termDocId) || ((termDocId = postingsEnum
.advance(docId)) == docId))) {
facetDataSublist[facetDataSublistCounter] = docId
+ lrc.docBase;
if (facetDataSublistCounter > 0) {
String termValue = null;
if (facetDataType.get(entry.getKey())
.equals( {
// only values without shifting bits
if (term.bytes[term.offset] == LegacyNumericUtils.SHIFT_START_INT) {
termValue = Integer
} else {
} else if (facetDataType.get(entry.getKey())
.equals( {
if (term.bytes[term.offset] == LegacyNumericUtils.SHIFT_START_LONG) {
termValue = Long
} else {
} else {
termValue = term.utf8ToString();
if (!facetDataList.containsKey(termValue)) {
facetDataList.put(termValue, Arrays.copyOf(facetDataSublist,
} else {
int[] oldList = facetDataList.get(termValue);
int[] newList = new int[oldList.length
+ facetDataSublistCounter];
System.arraycopy(oldList, 0, newList, 0, oldList.length);
System.arraycopy(facetDataSublist, 0, newList,
oldList.length, facetDataSublistCounter);
facetDataList.put(termValue, newList);
// collect matches and numbers for queries
for (MtasSpanQuery sq : fieldInfo.spanQueryList) {
// what to collect : numbers
if (spansNumberData.containsKey(sq)) {
numberData = spansNumberData.get(sq);
} else {
numberData = null;
// what to collect: matches
if (spansMatchData.containsKey(sq)) {
matchData = spansMatchData.get(sq);
} else {
matchData = null;
boolean doNormalCollection = true;
// if only number is needed, possibly termvectors can be used
if ((numberData != null) && (matchData == null)) {
if (sq.isMatchAllPositionsQuery()) {
needPositions = true;
doNormalCollection = false;
// collect (if termvector collection didn't work)
if (doNormalCollection
&& ((numberData != null) || (matchData != null))) {
Spans spans = spansQueryWeight.get(sq).getSpans(lrc,
if (spans != null) {
Iterator<Integer> it;
if (docSet != null) {
it = docSet.iterator();
} else {
it = docList.iterator();
if (it.hasNext()) {
int docId =;
int number;
ArrayList<Match> matchDataList;
Integer spansDocId = null;
while (docId != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
if (spans.advance(
(docId - lrc.docBase)) == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
spansDocId = spans.docID() + lrc.docBase;
while ((docId < spansDocId) && it.hasNext()) {
docId =;
if (docId < spansDocId) {
if (spansDocId.equals(docId)) {
number = 0;
matchDataList = new ArrayList<>();
int tmpStartPosition;
while ((tmpStartPosition = spans
.nextStartPosition()) != Spans.NO_MORE_POSITIONS) {
if (matchData != null) {
Match m = new Match(tmpStartPosition,
if ((numberData != null)) {
numberData.put(spansDocId, number);
if ((matchData != null)) {
matchData.put(spansDocId, matchDataList);
if (it.hasNext()) {
docId =;
} else {
// collect position stats
if (needPositions) {
if (mtasCodecInfo != null) {
// for relatively small numbers, compute only what is needed
if (docSet.size() < Math.log(r.maxDoc())) {
positionsData = new HashMap<>();
for (int docId : docSet) {
positionsData.put(docId, mtasCodecInfo.getNumberOfPositions(field,
(docId - lrc.docBase)));
// compute everything, only use what is needed
} else {
positionsData = mtasCodecInfo.getAllNumberOfPositions(field,
for (int docId : docSet) {
if (!positionsData.containsKey(docId)) {
positionsData.put(docId, 0);
} else {
positionsData = new HashMap<>();
for (int docId : docSet) {
positionsData.put(docId, 0);
if (spansNumberByPositions != null && spansNumberData != null) {
for (MtasSpanQuery sq : spansNumberByPositions) {
Map<Integer,Integer> numberData = spansNumberData.get(sq);
positionsData.forEach((k,v) -> numberData.put(k,v!=null?v:0));
// collect token stats
if (needTokens) {
if (mtasCodecInfo != null) {
// for relatively small numbers, compute only what is needed
if (docSet.size() < Math.log(r.maxDoc())) {
tokensData = new HashMap<>();
for (int docId : docSet) {
mtasCodecInfo.getNumberOfTokens(field, (docId - lrc.docBase)));
// compute everything, only use what is needed
} else {
tokensData = mtasCodecInfo.getAllNumberOfTokens(field, lrc.docBase);
for (int docId : docSet) {
if (!tokensData.containsKey(docId)) {
tokensData.put(docId, 0);
} else {
tokensData = new HashMap<>();
for (int docId : docSet) {
tokensData.put(docId, 0);
if (!fieldInfo.statsPositionList.isEmpty()) {
// create positions
createPositions(fieldInfo.statsPositionList, positionsData, docSet);
if (!fieldInfo.statsTokenList.isEmpty()) {
// create positions
createTokens(fieldInfo.statsTokenList, tokensData, docSet);
if (!fieldInfo.documentList.isEmpty()) {
// create document
createDocument(fieldInfo.documentList, docList, fieldInfo.uniqueKeyField,
searcher, t, lrc);
if (!fieldInfo.spanQueryList.isEmpty()) {
if (!fieldInfo.statsSpanList.isEmpty()) {
// create stats
createStats(fieldInfo.statsSpanList, positionsData, spansNumberData,
docSet.toArray(new Integer[docSet.size()]));
if (!fieldInfo.listList.isEmpty()) {
// create list
createList(fieldInfo.listList, spansNumberData, spansMatchData, docSet,
field, lrc.docBase, fieldInfo.uniqueKeyField, mtasCodecInfo,
if (!fieldInfo.groupList.isEmpty()) {
// create group
createGroup(fieldInfo.groupList, spansMatchData, docSet,
fieldInfos.fieldInfo(field), field, lrc.docBase, mtasCodecInfo,
searcher, lrc, status);
if (!fieldInfo.kwicList.isEmpty()) {
// create kwic
createKwic(fieldInfo.kwicList, spansMatchData, docList, field,
lrc.docBase, fieldInfo.uniqueKeyField, mtasCodecInfo, searcher);
if (!fieldInfo.facetList.isEmpty()) {
// create facets
createFacet(fieldInfo.facetList, positionsData, spansNumberData,
facetData, docSet);
if (!fieldInfo.termVectorList.isEmpty()) {
createTermvectorFull(fieldInfo.termVectorList, positionsData, docSet, t,
r, lrc);
createTermvectorFirstRound(fieldInfo.termVectorList, positionsData,
docSet, t, r, lrc);
* Collect known prefixes.
* @param fi
* the fi
* @return the sets the
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static Set<String> collectKnownPrefixes(FieldInfo fi)
throws IOException {
if (fi != null) {
HashSet<String> result = new HashSet<>();
String singlePositionPrefixes = fi.getAttribute(
String multiplePositionPrefixes = fi.getAttribute(
String setPositionPrefixes = fi.getAttribute(
if (singlePositionPrefixes != null) {
String[] prefixes = singlePositionPrefixes
for (int i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
String item = prefixes[i].trim();
if (!item.equals("")) {
if (multiplePositionPrefixes != null) {
String[] prefixes = multiplePositionPrefixes
for (int i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
String item = prefixes[i].trim();
if (!item.equals("")) {
if (setPositionPrefixes != null) {
String[] prefixes = setPositionPrefixes
for (int i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
String item = prefixes[i].trim();
if (!item.equals("")) {
return result;
} else {
return Collections.emptySet();
* Collect intersection prefixes.
* @param fi
* the fi
* @return the sets the
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static Set<String> collectIntersectionPrefixes(FieldInfo fi)
throws IOException {
if (fi != null) {
Set<String> result = new HashSet<>();
String intersectingPrefixes = fi.getAttribute(
if (intersectingPrefixes != null) {
String[] prefixes = intersectingPrefixes
for (int i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
String item = prefixes[i].trim();
if (!item.equals("")) {
return result;
} else {
return Collections.emptySet();
* Collect prefixes.
* @param fieldInfos
* the field infos
* @param field
* the field
* @param fieldInfo
* the field info
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void collectPrefixes(FieldInfos fieldInfos, String field,
ComponentField fieldInfo, Status status) throws IOException {
if (fieldInfo.prefix != null) {
FieldInfo fi = fieldInfos.fieldInfo(field);
if (fi != null) {
String singlePositionPrefixes = fi.getAttribute(
String multiplePositionPrefixes = fi.getAttribute(
String setPositionPrefixes = fi.getAttribute(
String intersectingPrefixes = fi.getAttribute(
if (singlePositionPrefixes != null) {
String[] prefixes = singlePositionPrefixes
for (int i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
if (multiplePositionPrefixes != null) {
String[] prefixes = multiplePositionPrefixes
for (int i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
if (setPositionPrefixes != null) {
String[] prefixes = setPositionPrefixes
for (int i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
if (intersectingPrefixes != null) {
String[] prefixes = intersectingPrefixes
for (int i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
* Collect spans for occurences.
* @param occurences
* the occurences
* @param prefixes
* the prefixes
* @param field
* the field
* @param searcher
* the searcher
* @param lrc
* the lrc
* @return the map
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static Map<GroupHit, Spans> collectSpansForOccurences(
Set<GroupHit> occurences, Set<String> prefixes, String field,
IndexSearcher searcher, LeafReaderContext lrc) throws IOException {
Map<GroupHit, Spans> list = new HashMap<>();
IndexReader reader = searcher.getIndexReader();
final float boost = 0;
for (GroupHit hit : occurences) {
MtasSpanQuery queryHit = createQueryFromGroupHit(prefixes, field, hit);
if (queryHit != null) {
MtasSpanQuery queryHitRewritten = queryHit.rewrite(reader);
SpanWeight weight = queryHitRewritten.createWeight(searcher, false,
Spans spans = weight.getSpans(lrc, SpanWeight.Postings.POSITIONS);
if (spans != null) {
list.put(hit, spans);
return list;
* Creates the query from group hit.
* @param prefixes
* the prefixes
* @param field
* the field
* @param hit
* the hit
* @return the mtas span query
private static MtasSpanQuery createQueryFromGroupHit(Set<String> prefixes,
String field, GroupHit hit) {
// initial check
if (prefixes == null || field == null || hit == null) {
return null;
} else {
MtasSpanQuery query = null;
// check for missing
if (hit.missingLeft != null && hit.missingLeft.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < hit.missingLeft.length; i++) {
if (hit.missingLeft[i].size() != hit.unknownLeft[i].size()) {
return null;
if (hit.missingHit != null && hit.missingHit.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < hit.missingHit.length; i++) {
if (hit.missingHit[i].size() != hit.unknownHit[i].size()) {
return null;
if (hit.missingRight != null && hit.missingRight.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < hit.missingRight.length; i++) {
if (hit.missingRight[i].size() != hit.unknownRight[i].size()) {
return null;
MtasSpanQuery hitQuery = createSubQueryFromGroupHit(hit.dataHit, false,
if (hitQuery != null) {
query = hitQuery;
MtasSpanQuery leftHitQuery = createSubQueryFromGroupHit(hit.dataLeft,
true, field);
MtasSpanQuery rightHitQuery = createSubQueryFromGroupHit(hit.dataRight,
false, field);
if (leftHitQuery != null) {
query = new MtasSpanPrecededByQuery(query, leftHitQuery);
if (rightHitQuery != null) {
query = new MtasSpanFollowedByQuery(query, rightHitQuery);
return query;
* Creates the sub query from group hit.
* @param subHit
* the sub hit
* @param reverse
* the reverse
* @param field
* the field
* @return the mtas span query
private static MtasSpanQuery createSubQueryFromGroupHit(List<String>[] subHit,
boolean reverse, String field) {
MtasSpanQuery query = null;
if (subHit != null && subHit.length > 0) {
List<MtasSpanSequenceItem> items = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> subHitItem;
for (int i = 0; i < subHit.length; i++) {
MtasSpanQuery item = null;
if (reverse) {
subHitItem = subHit[(subHit.length - i - 1)];
} else {
subHitItem = subHit[i];
if (subHitItem.isEmpty()) {
item = new MtasSpanMatchAllQuery(field);
} else if (subHitItem.size() == 1) {
Term term = new Term(field, subHitItem.get(0));
item = new MtasSpanTermQuery(term);
} else {
MtasSpanQuery[] subList = new MtasSpanQuery[subHitItem.size()];
for (int j = 0; j < subHitItem.size(); j++) {
Term term = new Term(field, subHitItem.get(j));
subList[j] = new MtasSpanTermQuery(term);
item = new MtasSpanAndQuery(subList);
items.add(new MtasSpanSequenceItem(item, false));
query = new MtasSpanSequenceQuery(items, null, null);
return query;
* Compute positions.
* @param mtasCodecInfo
* the mtas codec info
* @param r
* the r
* @param lrc
* the lrc
* @param field
* the field
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @return the map
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static Map<Integer, Integer> computePositions(CodecInfo mtasCodecInfo,
LeafReader r, LeafReaderContext lrc, String field, List<Integer> docSet)
throws IOException {
HashMap<Integer, Integer> positionsData;
if (mtasCodecInfo != null) {
// for relatively small numbers, compute only what is needed
if (docSet.size() < Math.log(r.maxDoc())) {
positionsData = new HashMap<>();
for (int docId : docSet) {
mtasCodecInfo.getNumberOfPositions(field, (docId - lrc.docBase)));
// compute everything, only use what is needed
} else {
positionsData = mtasCodecInfo.getAllNumberOfPositions(field,
for (int docId : docSet) {
if (!positionsData.containsKey(docId)) {
positionsData.put(docId, 0);
} else {
positionsData = new HashMap<>();
for (int docId : docSet) {
positionsData.put(docId, 0);
return positionsData;
* Compute arguments.
* @param spansNumberData
* the spans number data
* @param queries
* the queries
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @return the map
private static Map<Integer, long[]> computeArguments(
Map<MtasSpanQuery, Map<Integer, Integer>> spansNumberData,
MtasSpanQuery[] queries, Integer[] docSet) {
Map<Integer, long[]> args = new HashMap<>();
for (int q = 0; q < queries.length; q++) {
Map<Integer, Integer> tmpData = spansNumberData.get(queries[q]);
long[] tmpList = null;
for (int docId : docSet) {
if (tmpData != null && tmpData.containsKey(docId)) {
if (!args.containsKey(docId)) {
tmpList = new long[queries.length];
} else {
tmpList = args.get(docId);
tmpList[q] = tmpData.get(docId);
args.put(docId, tmpList);
} else if (!args.containsKey(docId)) {
tmpList = new long[queries.length];
args.put(docId, tmpList);
return args;
* Intersected doc list.
* @param facetDocList
* the facet doc list
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @return the integer[]
private static Integer[] intersectedDocList(int[] facetDocList,
Integer[] docSet) {
if (facetDocList != null && docSet != null) {
Integer[] c = new Integer[Math.min(facetDocList.length, docSet.length)];
int ai = 0;
int bi = 0;
int ci = 0;
while (ai < facetDocList.length && bi < docSet.length) {
if (facetDocList[ai] < docSet[bi]) {
} else if (facetDocList[ai] > docSet[bi]) {
} else {
if (ci == 0 || facetDocList[ai] != c[ci - 1]) {
c[ci++] = facetDocList[ai];
return Arrays.copyOfRange(c, 0, ci);
return new Integer[] {};
* Creates the positions.
* @param statsPositionList
* the stats position list
* @param positionsData
* the positions data
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void createPositions(List<ComponentPosition> statsPositionList,
Map<Integer, Integer> positionsData, List<Integer> docSet)
throws IOException {
if (statsPositionList != null) {
for (ComponentPosition position : statsPositionList) {
Integer tmpValue;
long[] values = new long[docSet.size()];
int value;
int number = 0;
for (int docId : docSet) {
tmpValue = positionsData.get(docId);
value = tmpValue == null ? 0 : tmpValue.intValue();
if (((position.minimumLong == null)
|| (value >= position.minimumLong))
&& ((position.maximumLong == null)
|| (value <= position.maximumLong))) {
values[number] = value;
if (number > 0) {
position.dataCollector.add(values, number);
* Creates the tokens.
* @param statsTokenList
* the stats token list
* @param tokensData
* the tokens data
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void createTokens(List<ComponentToken> statsTokenList,
Map<Integer, Integer> tokensData, List<Integer> docSet)
throws IOException {
if (statsTokenList != null) {
for (ComponentToken token : statsTokenList) {
Integer tmpValue;
long[] values = new long[docSet.size()];
int value;
int number = 0;
if (tokensData != null) {
for (int docId : docSet) {
tmpValue = tokensData.get(docId);
value = tmpValue == null ? 0 : tmpValue.intValue();
if (((token.minimumLong == null) || (value >= token.minimumLong))
&& ((token.maximumLong == null)
|| (value <= token.maximumLong))) {
values[number] = value;
if (number > 0) {
token.dataCollector.add(values, number);
* Creates the stats.
* @param statsSpanList
* the stats span list
* @param positionsData
* the positions data
* @param spansNumberData
* the spans number data
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void createStats(List<ComponentSpan> statsSpanList,
Map<Integer, Integer> positionsData,
Map<MtasSpanQuery, Map<Integer, Integer>> spansNumberData,
Integer[] docSet) throws IOException {
if (statsSpanList != null) {
for (ComponentSpan span : statsSpanList) {
if (span.parser.needArgumentsNumber() > span.queries.length) {
throw new IOException(
"function " + span.parser + " expects (at least) "
+ span.parser.needArgumentsNumber() + " queries");
// collect
Map<Integer, long[]> args = computeArguments(spansNumberData,
span.queries, docSet);
if (span.dataType.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_LONG)) {
// try to call functionParser as little as possible
if (span.statsType.equals(CodecUtil.STATS_BASIC)
&& (span.minimumLong == null) && (span.maximumLong == null)
&& (span.functions == null
|| (span.functionBasic() && span.functionSumRule()
&& !span.functionNeedPositions()))) {
// initialise
int length = span.parser.needArgumentsNumber();
long[] valueSum = new long[length];
long valuePositions = 0;
// collect
if (docSet.length > 0) {
long[] tmpArgs;
for (int docId : docSet) {
tmpArgs = args.get(docId);
valuePositions += (positionsData == null) ? 0
: positionsData.get(docId);
if (tmpArgs != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
valueSum[i] += tmpArgs[i];
long valueLong;
try {
valueLong = span.parser.getValueLong(valueSum, valuePositions);
span.dataCollector.add(valueLong, docSet.length);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (span.functions != null) {
for (SubComponentFunction function : span.functions) {
if (function.dataType.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_LONG)) {
try {
valueLong = function.parserFunction.getValueLong(valueSum,
function.dataCollector.add(valueLong, docSet.length);
} catch (IOException e) {
} else if (function.dataType
.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE)) {
try {
double valueDouble = function.parserFunction
.getValueDouble(valueSum, valuePositions);
function.dataCollector.add(valueDouble, docSet.length);
} catch (IOException e) {
} else {
throw new IOException(
"can't handle function dataType " + function.dataType);
} else {
// collect
if (docSet.length > 0) {
int number = 0;
int positions;
long valueLong;
double valueDouble;
long[] values = new long[docSet.length];
long[][] functionValuesLong = null;
double[][] functionValuesDouble = null;
if (span.functions != null) {
functionValuesLong = new long[span.functions.size()][];
functionValuesDouble = new double[span.functions.size()][];
for (int i = 0; i < span.functions.size(); i++) {
SubComponentFunction function = span.functions.get(i);
if (function.dataType.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_LONG)) {
functionValuesLong[i] = new long[docSet.length];
functionValuesDouble[i] = null;
} else if (function.dataType
.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE)) {
functionValuesLong[i] = null;
functionValuesDouble[i] = new double[docSet.length];
for (int docId : docSet) {
if (positionsData == null) {
positions = 0;
} else {
positions = (positionsData.get(docId) == null ? 0
: positionsData.get(docId));
valueLong = span.parser.getValueLong(args.get(docId),
if (((span.minimumLong == null)
|| (valueLong >= span.minimumLong))
&& ((span.maximumLong == null)
|| (valueLong <= span.maximumLong))) {
values[number] = valueLong;
if (span.functions != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < span.functions.size(); i++) {
SubComponentFunction function = span.functions.get(i);
try {
if (function.dataType
.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_LONG)) {
valueLong = function.parserFunction
.getValueLong(args.get(docId), positions);
functionValuesLong[i][number] = valueLong;
} else if (function.dataType
.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE)) {
valueDouble = function.parserFunction
.getValueDouble(args.get(docId), positions);
functionValuesDouble[i][number] = valueDouble;
} catch (IOException e) {
if (number > 0) {
span.dataCollector.add(values, number);
if (span.functions != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < span.functions.size(); i++) {
SubComponentFunction function = span.functions.get(i);
if (function.dataType.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_LONG)) {
function.dataCollector.add(functionValuesLong[i], number);
} else if (function.dataType
.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE)) {
if (span.functions != null) {
for (SubComponentFunction function : span.functions) {
} else {
throw new IOException("unexpected dataType " + span.dataType);
* Creates the list.
* @param listList
* the list list
* @param spansNumberData
* the spans number data
* @param spansMatchData
* the spans match data
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @param field
* the field
* @param docBase
* the doc base
* @param uniqueKeyField
* the unique key field
* @param mtasCodecInfo
* the mtas codec info
* @param searcher
* the searcher
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void createList(List<ComponentList> listList,
Map<MtasSpanQuery, Map<Integer, Integer>> spansNumberData,
Map<MtasSpanQuery, Map<Integer, List<Match>>> spansMatchData,
List<Integer> docSet, String field, int docBase, String uniqueKeyField,
CodecInfo mtasCodecInfo, IndexSearcher searcher) throws IOException {
if (listList != null) {
for (ComponentList list : listList) {
// collect not only stats
if (list.number > 0) {
Map<Integer, List<Match>> matchData = spansMatchData
Map<Integer, Integer> numberData = spansNumberData
List<Match> matchList;
Integer matchNumber;
if (list.output.equals(ComponentList.LIST_OUTPUT_HIT)) {
for (int docId : docSet) {
if (matchData != null
&& (matchList = matchData.get(docId)) != null) {
if (list.position < (list.start + list.number)) {
boolean getDoc = false;
Match m;
for (int i = 0; i < matchList.size(); i++) {
if ((list.position >= list.start)
&& (list.position < (list.start + list.number))) {
m = matchList.get(i);
getDoc = true;
int startPosition = m.startPosition;
int endPosition = m.endPosition - 1;
List<MtasTreeHit<String>> terms = mtasCodecInfo
(docId - docBase), list.prefixes,
startPosition - list.left,
endPosition + list.right);
// construct hit
Map<Integer, List<String>> kwicListHits = new HashMap<>();
for (int position = Math.max(0,
startPosition - list.left); position <= (endPosition
+ list.right); position++) {
kwicListHits.put(position, new ArrayList<String>());
List<String> termList;
for (MtasTreeHit<String> term : terms) {
for (int position = Math.max(
(startPosition - list.left),
term.startPosition); position <= Math.min(
(endPosition + list.right),
term.endPosition); position++) {
termList = kwicListHits.get(position);
list.hits.add(new ListHit(docId, i, m, kwicListHits));
if (getDoc) {
// get unique id
Document doc = searcher.doc(docId,
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(uniqueKeyField)));
IndexableField indxfld = doc.getField(uniqueKeyField);
// get other doc info
if (indxfld != null) {
list.uniqueKey.put(docId, indxfld.stringValue());
list.subTotal.put(docId, matchList.size());
IndexDoc mDoc = mtasCodecInfo.getDoc(field,
(docId - docBase));
if (mDoc != null) {
list.minPosition.put(docId, mDoc.minPosition);
list.maxPosition.put(docId, mDoc.maxPosition);
} else {
list.position += matchList.size();
} else if (numberData != null
&& (matchNumber = numberData.get(docId)) != null) {
list.position += matchNumber;
} = list.position;
} else if (list.output.equals(ComponentList.LIST_OUTPUT_TOKEN)) {
for (int docId : docSet) {
if (matchData != null
&& (matchList = matchData.get(docId)) != null) {
if (list.position < (list.start + list.number)) {
boolean getDoc = false;
Match m;
for (int i = 0; i < matchList.size(); i++) {
if ((list.position >= list.start)
&& (list.position < (list.start + list.number))) {
m = matchList.get(i);
getDoc = true;
int startPosition = m.startPosition;
int endPosition = m.endPosition - 1;
List<MtasTokenString> tokens;
tokens = mtasCodecInfo
(docId - docBase), list.prefixes,
startPosition - list.left,
endPosition + list.right);
list.tokens.add(new ListToken(docId, i, m, tokens));
if (getDoc) {
// get unique id
Document doc = searcher.doc(docId,
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(uniqueKeyField)));
IndexableField indxfld = doc.getField(uniqueKeyField);
// get other doc info
if (indxfld != null) {
list.uniqueKey.put(docId, indxfld.stringValue());
list.subTotal.put(docId, matchList.size());
IndexDoc mDoc = mtasCodecInfo.getDoc(field,
(docId - docBase));
if (mDoc != null) {
list.minPosition.put(docId, mDoc.minPosition);
list.maxPosition.put(docId, mDoc.maxPosition);
} else {
list.position += matchList.size();
} else if (numberData != null
&& (matchNumber = numberData.get(docId)) != null) {
list.position += matchNumber;
} = list.position;
} else {
Map<Integer, Integer> data = spansNumberData.get(list.spanQuery);
if (data != null) {
for (int docId : docSet) {
Integer matchNumber = data.get(docId);
if (matchNumber != null) {
list.position += matchNumber;
} = list.position;
* Creates the group.
* @param groupList
* the group list
* @param spansMatchData
* the spans match data
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @param fieldInfo
* the field info
* @param field
* the field
* @param docBase
* the doc base
* @param mtasCodecInfo
* the mtas codec info
* @param searcher
* the searcher
* @param lrc
* the lrc
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void createGroup(List<ComponentGroup> groupList,
Map<MtasSpanQuery, Map<Integer, List<Match>>> spansMatchData,
List<Integer> docSet, FieldInfo fieldInfo, String field, int docBase,
CodecInfo mtasCodecInfo, IndexSearcher searcher, LeafReaderContext lrc,
Status status) throws IOException {
if (mtasCodecInfo != null && groupList != null) {
List<Match> matchList;
Map<Integer, List<Match>> matchData;
for (ComponentGroup group : groupList) {
if (!group.prefixes.isEmpty()) {
matchData = spansMatchData.get(group.spanQuery);
Set<String> knownPrefixes = collectKnownPrefixes(fieldInfo);
Set<String> intersectionPrefixes = collectIntersectionPrefixes(
boolean intersectionGroupPrefixes = intersectionPrefixes(group,
boolean availablePrefixes = availablePrefixes(group, knownPrefixes);
// sort match lists
if (!intersectionGroupPrefixes) {
for (Entry<Integer, List<Match>> entry : matchData.entrySet()) {
// init
int docId;
Map<GroupHit, Long> occurencesSum = new HashMap<>();
Map<GroupHit, Integer> occurencesN = new HashMap<>();
Set<GroupHit> occurencesInCurrentDocument = new HashSet<>();
if (!availablePrefixes) {
HashMap<Integer, GroupHit> hits = new HashMap<>();
for (int docCounter = 0; docCounter < docSet.size(); docCounter++) {
docId = docSet.get(docCounter);
GroupHit hit;
GroupHit hitKey;
if (matchData != null
&& (matchList = matchData.get(docId)) != null
&& !matchList.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<Match> it = matchList.listIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Match m =;
IntervalTreeNodeData<String> positionHit = createPositionHit(
m, group);
int length = m.endPosition - m.startPosition;
hitKey = null;
if (!hits.containsKey(length)) {
hit = new GroupHit(positionHit.list, positionHit.start,
positionHit.end, positionHit.hitStart,
positionHit.hitEnd, group, knownPrefixes);
hits.put(length, hit);
} else {
hit = hits.get(length);
for (GroupHit hitKeyItem : occurencesSum.keySet()) {
if (hitKeyItem.equals(hit)) {
hitKey = hitKeyItem;
if (hitKey == null) {
occurencesSum.put(hit, Long.valueOf(1));
occurencesN.put(hit, 1);
} else {
occurencesSum.put(hitKey, occurencesSum.get(hitKey) + 1);
if (!occurencesInCurrentDocument.contains(hitKey)) {
if (occurencesN.containsKey(hitKey)) {
occurencesN.put(hitKey, occurencesN.get(hitKey) + 1);
} else {
occurencesN.put(hitKey, 1);
} else {
int maximumNumberOfDocuments = 0;
int boundaryMinimumNumberOfDocuments = 1;
int boundaryMaximumNumberOfDocuments = 5;
Set<GroupHit> administrationOccurrences = new HashSet<>();
for (int docCounter = 0; docCounter < docSet.size(); docCounter++) {
docId = docSet.get(docCounter);
if (matchData != null
&& (matchList = matchData.get(docId)) != null
&& !matchList.isEmpty()) {
// loop over matches
Iterator<Match> it = matchList.listIterator();
ArrayList<IntervalTreeNodeData<String>> positionsHits = new ArrayList<>();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Match m =;
positionsHits.add(createPositionHit(m, group));
(docId - docBase), group.prefixes, positionsHits);
// administration
for (IntervalTreeNodeData<String> positionHit : positionsHits) {
GroupHit hit = new GroupHit(positionHit.list,
positionHit.start, positionHit.end, positionHit.hitStart,
positionHit.hitEnd, group, knownPrefixes);
GroupHit hitKey = null;
for (GroupHit hitKeyItem : occurencesSum.keySet()) {
if (hitKeyItem.equals(hit)) {
hitKey = hitKeyItem;
if (hitKey == null) {
occurencesSum.put(hit, Long.valueOf(1));
occurencesN.put(hit, 1);
} else {
occurencesSum.put(hitKey, occurencesSum.get(hitKey) + 1);
if (!occurencesInCurrentDocument.contains(hitKey)) {
if (occurencesN.containsKey(hitKey)) {
occurencesN.put(hitKey, occurencesN.get(hitKey) + 1);
} else {
occurencesN.put(hitKey, 1);
if (!intersectionGroupPrefixes) {
for (GroupHit groupHit : occurencesInCurrentDocument) {
int tmpNumber = occurencesN.get(groupHit);
maximumNumberOfDocuments = Math
.max(maximumNumberOfDocuments, tmpNumber);
if (tmpNumber > boundaryMinimumNumberOfDocuments) {
// collect spans
if (maximumNumberOfDocuments > boundaryMaximumNumberOfDocuments) {
if (!administrationOccurrences.isEmpty()) {
Map<GroupHit, Spans> list = collectSpansForOccurences(
administrationOccurrences, knownPrefixes, field,
searcher, lrc);
if (list.size() > 0) {
collectGroupUsingSpans(list, docSet, docBase,
docCounter, matchData, occurencesSum, occurencesN);
maximumNumberOfDocuments = 0;
boundaryMinimumNumberOfDocuments = (int) Math
.ceil(boundaryMinimumNumberOfDocuments * 1.2);
boundaryMaximumNumberOfDocuments = (int) Math
.ceil(boundaryMaximumNumberOfDocuments * 1.2);
for (Entry<GroupHit, Long> entry : occurencesSum.entrySet()) {
group.dataCollector.add(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue(),
* Available prefixes.
* @param group
* the group
* @param knownPrefixes
* the known prefixes
* @return true, if successful
private static boolean availablePrefixes(ComponentGroup group,
Set<String> knownPrefixes) {
if (knownPrefixes != null) {
for (String prefix : group.prefixes) {
if (knownPrefixes.contains(prefix)) {
return true;
return false;
* Intersection prefixes.
* @param group
* the group
* @param intersectionPrefixes
* the intersection prefixes
* @return true, if successful
private static boolean intersectionPrefixes(ComponentGroup group,
Set<String> intersectionPrefixes) {
if (intersectionPrefixes != null) {
for (String prefix : group.prefixes) {
if (intersectionPrefixes.contains(prefix)) {
return true;
return false;
* Creates the position hit.
* @param m
* the m
* @param group
* the group
* @return the interval tree node data
private static IntervalTreeNodeData<String> createPositionHit(Match m,
ComponentGroup group) {
Integer start = null;
Integer end = null;
if (group.hitInside != null || group.hitInsideLeft != null
|| group.hitInsideRight != null) {
start = m.startPosition;
end = m.endPosition - 1;
} else {
start = null;
end = null;
if (group.hitLeft != null) {
start = m.startPosition;
end = Math.max(m.startPosition + group.hitLeft.length - 1,
m.endPosition - 1);
if (group.hitRight != null) {
start = Math.min(m.endPosition - group.hitRight.length, m.startPosition);
end = end == null ? (m.endPosition - 1)
: Math.max(end, (m.endPosition - 1));
if (group.left != null) {
start = start == null ? m.startPosition - group.left.length
: Math.min(m.startPosition - group.left.length, start);
end = end == null ? m.startPosition - 1
: Math.max(m.startPosition - 1, end);
if (group.right != null) {
start = start == null ? m.endPosition : Math.min(m.endPosition, start);
end = end == null ? m.endPosition + group.right.length - 1
: Math.max(m.endPosition + group.right.length - 1, end);
return new IntervalTreeNodeData<>(start, end, m.startPosition,
m.endPosition - 1);
* Collect group using spans.
* @param list
* the list
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @param docBase
* the doc base
* @param docCounter
* the doc counter
* @param matchData
* the match data
* @param occurencesSum
* the occurences sum
* @param occurencesN
* the occurences N
* @return the int
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static int collectGroupUsingSpans(Map<GroupHit, Spans> list,
List<Integer> docSet, int docBase, int docCounter,
Map<Integer, List<Match>> matchData, Map<GroupHit, Long> occurencesSum,
Map<GroupHit, Integer> occurencesN) throws IOException {
int total = 0;
if (docCounter + 1 < docSet.size()) {
// initialize
int nextDocCounter = docCounter + 1;
long[] subSum = new long[list.size()];
int[] subN = new int[list.size()];
boolean[] newNextDocs = new boolean[list.size()];
boolean newNextDoc;
int[] spansNextDoc = new int[list.size()];
int nextDoc = 0;
List<Match> matchList;
GroupHit[] hitList = list.keySet().toArray(new GroupHit[list.size()]);
Spans[] spansList = new Spans[list.size()];
boolean[] finishedSpansList = new boolean[list.size()];
newNextDoc = true;
// advance spans, find nextDoc
for (int i = 0; i < hitList.length; i++) {
newNextDocs[i] = true;
spansList[i] = list.get(hitList[i]);
spansNextDoc[i] = spansList[i]
.advance(docSet.get(nextDocCounter) - docBase);
nextDoc = (i == 0) ? spansNextDoc[i]
: Math.min(nextDoc, spansNextDoc[i]);
// loop over future documents
while (nextDoc < DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
// find matches for next document
while (nextDocCounter < docSet.size()
&& docSet.get(nextDocCounter) < (nextDoc + docBase)) {
// finish, if no more docs in set
if (nextDocCounter >= docSet.size()) {
// go to the matches
if (docSet.get(nextDocCounter) == nextDoc + docBase) {
matchList = matchData.get(nextDoc + docBase);
if (matchList != null && !matchList.isEmpty()) {
// initialize
int currentMatchPosition = 0;
int lastMatchStartPosition = matchList
.get(matchList.size() - 1).startPosition;
ArrayList<Match> newMatchList = new ArrayList<>(matchList.size());
int currentSpanPosition = Spans.NO_MORE_POSITIONS;
// check and initialize for each span
for (int i = 0; i < spansList.length; i++) {
if (spansList[i].docID() == nextDoc) {
int tmpStartPosition = spansList[i].nextStartPosition();
if (tmpStartPosition < Spans.NO_MORE_POSITIONS) {
finishedSpansList[i] = false;
} else {
finishedSpansList[i] = true;
// compute position
currentSpanPosition = (currentSpanPosition == Spans.NO_MORE_POSITIONS)
? tmpStartPosition
: Math.min(currentSpanPosition, tmpStartPosition);
} else {
finishedSpansList[i] = true;
// loop over matches
while (currentMatchPosition < matchList.size()
&& currentSpanPosition < Spans.NO_MORE_POSITIONS) {
if (currentSpanPosition < matchList
.get(currentMatchPosition).startPosition) {
// do nothing, match not reached
} else if (currentSpanPosition > lastMatchStartPosition) {
// finish, past last match
} else {
// advance matches
while (currentMatchPosition < matchList.size()
&& currentSpanPosition > matchList
.get(currentMatchPosition).startPosition) {
// store current match, not relevant
// equal startPosition
while (currentMatchPosition < matchList.size()
&& currentSpanPosition == matchList
.get(currentMatchPosition).startPosition) {
// check for each span
for (int i = 0; i < spansList.length; i++) {
// equal start and end, therefore match
if (!finishedSpansList[i] && spansList[i].docID() == nextDoc
&& spansList[i].startPosition() == matchList
&& spansList[i].endPosition() == matchList
.get(currentMatchPosition).endPosition) {
// administration
if (newNextDocs[i]) {
newNextDocs[i] = false;
newNextDoc = false;
} else if (!finishedSpansList[i]
&& spansList[i].docID() == nextDoc
&& spansList[i].startPosition() == matchList
.get(currentMatchPosition).startPosition) {
// no match, store
// advance spans
if (currentMatchPosition < matchList.size()) {
currentSpanPosition = Spans.NO_MORE_POSITIONS;
for (int i = 0; i < spansList.length; i++) {
if (!finishedSpansList[i]
&& (spansList[i].docID() == nextDoc)) {
while (!finishedSpansList[i]
&& spansList[i].startPosition() < matchList
.get(currentMatchPosition).startPosition) {
int tmpStartPosition = spansList[i].nextStartPosition();
if (tmpStartPosition == Spans.NO_MORE_POSITIONS) {
finishedSpansList[i] = true;
if (!finishedSpansList[i]) {
currentSpanPosition = (currentSpanPosition == Spans.NO_MORE_POSITIONS)
? spansList[i].startPosition()
: Math.min(currentSpanPosition,
} else {
finishedSpansList[i] = true;
if (!newNextDoc) {
// add other matches
while (currentMatchPosition < matchList.size()) {
// update administration
if (!newMatchList.isEmpty()) {
matchData.put(nextDoc + docBase, newMatchList);
} else {
matchData.put(nextDoc + docBase, null);
// advance to next document
newNextDoc = true;
for (int i = 0; i < hitList.length; i++) {
newNextDocs[i] = true;
// advance spans
if (nextDocCounter < docSet.size()) {
nextDoc = Spans.NO_MORE_DOCS;
// advance spans
for (int i = 0; i < hitList.length; i++) {
if (spansNextDoc[i] < (docSet.get(nextDocCounter) - docBase)) {
spansNextDoc[i] = spansList[i]
.advance(docSet.get(nextDocCounter) - docBase);
if (spansNextDoc[i] < Spans.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
nextDoc = (nextDoc == Spans.NO_MORE_DOCS) ? spansNextDoc[i]
: Math.min(nextDoc, spansNextDoc[i]);
// update administration
for (int i = 0; i < hitList.length; i++) {
if (subSum[i] > 0 && (occurencesSum.containsKey(hitList[i]))) {
occurencesSum.get(hitList[i]) + subSum[i]);
occurencesN.put(hitList[i], occurencesN.get(hitList[i]) + subN[i]);
return total;
* Sort match list.
* @param list
* the list
private static void sortMatchList(List<Match> list) {
if (list != null) {
// light sorting on start position
Collections.sort(list, (Match m1,
Match m2) -> (, m2.startPosition)));
* Creates the document.
* @param documentList
* the document list
* @param docList
* the doc list
* @param uniqueKeyField
* the unique key field
* @param searcher
* the searcher
* @param t
* the t
* @param lrc
* the lrc
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void createDocument(List<ComponentDocument> documentList,
List<Integer> docList, String uniqueKeyField, IndexSearcher searcher,
Terms t, LeafReaderContext lrc) throws IOException {
if (documentList != null) {
SortedSet<String> listStatsItems = CodecUtil.createStatsItems("sum");
String listStatsType = CodecUtil.createStatsType(listStatsItems,
CodecUtil.STATS_TYPE_SUM, null);
for (ComponentDocument document : documentList) {
// initialize
for (int docId : docList) {
// get unique id
Document doc = searcher.doc(docId,
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(uniqueKeyField)));
IndexableField indxfld = doc.getField(uniqueKeyField);
// get other doc info
if (indxfld != null) {
document.uniqueKey.put(docId, indxfld.stringValue());
MtasDataCollector<?, ?> stats = DataCollector.getCollector(
DataCollector.COLLECTOR_TYPE_DATA, document.dataType,
document.statsType, document.statsItems, null, null, null, null,
null, null);
document.statsData.put(docId, stats);
if (document.statsList != null) {
MtasDataCollector<?, ?> list;
if (document.listExpand) {
SortedSet<String>[] baseStatsItems = new SortedSet[] {
listStatsItems };
list = DataCollector.getCollector(
listStatsType, listStatsItems, CodecUtil.STATS_TYPE_SUM,
CodecUtil.SORT_DESC, 0, document.listNumber,
new String[] { DataCollector.COLLECTOR_TYPE_LIST },
new String[] { CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_LONG },
new String[] { listStatsType },
Arrays.copyOfRange(baseStatsItems, 0,
new String[] { CodecUtil.STATS_TYPE_SUM },
new String[] { CodecUtil.SORT_DESC }, new Integer[] { 0 },
new Integer[] { document.listExpandNumber }, null, null);
} else {
list = DataCollector.getCollector(
listStatsType, listStatsItems, CodecUtil.STATS_TYPE_SUM,
CodecUtil.SORT_DESC, 0, document.listNumber, null, null);
document.statsList.put(docId, list);
// collect
if (t != null) {
BytesRef term;
TermsEnum termsEnum;
PostingsEnum postingsEnum = null;
// loop over termvectors
for (ComponentDocument document : documentList) {
List<CompiledAutomaton> listAutomata;
Map<String, Automaton> automatonMap;
Map<String, ByteRunAutomaton> byteRunAutomatonMap;
if (document.list == null) {
automatonMap = null;
byteRunAutomatonMap = null;
listAutomata = new ArrayList<>();
CompiledAutomaton compiledAutomaton;
Automaton automaton;
if ((document.regexp == null) || (document.regexp.isEmpty())) {
RegExp re = new RegExp(
document.prefix + MtasToken.DELIMITER + ".*");
automaton = re.toAutomaton();
} else {
RegExp re = new RegExp(document.prefix + MtasToken.DELIMITER
+ document.regexp + "\u0000*");
automaton = re.toAutomaton();
compiledAutomaton = new CompiledAutomaton(automaton);
} else {
automatonMap = MtasToken.createAutomatonMap(document.prefix,
new ArrayList<String>(document.list),
document.listRegexp ? false : true);
byteRunAutomatonMap = MtasToken.byteRunAutomatonMap(automatonMap);
listAutomata = MtasToken.createAutomata(document.prefix,
document.regexp, automatonMap);
List<ByteRunAutomaton> ignoreByteRunAutomatonList = null;
if ((document.ignoreRegexp != null)
&& (!document.ignoreRegexp.isEmpty())) {
ignoreByteRunAutomatonList = new ArrayList<>();
RegExp re = new RegExp(document.prefix + MtasToken.DELIMITER
+ document.ignoreRegexp + "\u0000*");
.add(new ByteRunAutomaton(re.toAutomaton()));
if (document.ignoreList != null) {
if (ignoreByteRunAutomatonList == null) {
ignoreByteRunAutomatonList = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, Automaton> list = MtasToken.createAutomatonMap(
document.prefix, new ArrayList<String>(document.ignoreList),
document.ignoreListRegexp ? false : true);
for (Automaton automaton : list.values()) {
ignoreByteRunAutomatonList.add(new ByteRunAutomaton(automaton));
for (CompiledAutomaton compiledAutomaton : listAutomata) {
if (!compiledAutomaton.type
.equals(CompiledAutomaton.AUTOMATON_TYPE.NONE)) {
termsEnum = t.intersect(compiledAutomaton, null);
// init
int initBaseSize = Math.min((int) t.size(), 1000);
int initListSize = document.statsList != null
? Math.min(document.statsList.size(), initBaseSize)
: initBaseSize;
HashSet<MtasDataCollector<?, ?>> initialised = new HashSet<>();
for (int docId : docList) {
if (document.statsList != null
&& document.statsList.size() > 0) {
// fill
int termDocId;
boolean acceptedTerm;
while ((term = != null) {
Iterator<Integer> docIterator = docList.iterator();
postingsEnum = termsEnum.postings(postingsEnum,
termDocId = -1;
acceptedTerm = true;
if (ignoreByteRunAutomatonList != null) {
for (ByteRunAutomaton ignoreByteRunAutomaton : ignoreByteRunAutomatonList) {
if (, term.offset,
term.length)) {
acceptedTerm = false;
if (acceptedTerm) {
while (docIterator.hasNext()) {
int segmentDocId = - lrc.docBase;
if (segmentDocId >= termDocId
&& ((segmentDocId == termDocId)
|| ((termDocId = postingsEnum
.advance(segmentDocId)) == segmentDocId))) {
// register stats
document.statsData.get(segmentDocId + lrc.docBase)
.add(new long[] { postingsEnum.freq() }, 1);
// register list
if (document.statsList != null) {
if (automatonMap != null) {
MtasDataCollector<?, ?> dataCollector;
MtasDataCollector<?, ?> subSataCollector;
for (Entry<String, ByteRunAutomaton> entry : byteRunAutomatonMap
.entrySet()) {
ByteRunAutomaton bra = entry.getValue();
if (, term.offset, term.length)) {
dataCollector = document.statsList
.get(segmentDocId + lrc.docBase);
subSataCollector = dataCollector.add(
new long[] { postingsEnum.freq() }, 1);
if (document.listExpand
&& subSataCollector != null) {
if (!initialised.contains(subSataCollector)) {
new long[] { postingsEnum.freq() }, 1);
} else {
document.statsList.get(segmentDocId + lrc.docBase)
new long[] { postingsEnum.freq() }, 1);
// close
for (MtasDataCollector<?, ?> item : initialised) {
* Creates the kwic.
* @param kwicList
* the kwic list
* @param spansMatchData
* the spans match data
* @param docList
* the doc list
* @param field
* the field
* @param docBase
* the doc base
* @param uniqueKeyField
* the unique key field
* @param mtasCodecInfo
* the mtas codec info
* @param searcher
* the searcher
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void createKwic(List<ComponentKwic> kwicList,
Map<MtasSpanQuery, Map<Integer, List<Match>>> spansMatchData,
List<Integer> docList, String field, int docBase, String uniqueKeyField,
CodecInfo mtasCodecInfo, IndexSearcher searcher) throws IOException {
if (kwicList != null) {
for (ComponentKwic kwic : kwicList) {
Map<Integer, List<Match>> matchData = spansMatchData.get(kwic.query);
List<Match> matchList;
if (kwic.output.equals(ComponentKwic.KWIC_OUTPUT_HIT)) {
for (int docId : docList) {
if (matchData != null
&& (matchList = matchData.get(docId)) != null) {
// get unique id
Document doc = searcher.doc(docId,
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(uniqueKeyField)));
IndexableField indxfld = doc.getField(uniqueKeyField);
// get other doc info
if (indxfld != null) {
kwic.uniqueKey.put(docId, indxfld.stringValue());
kwic.subTotal.put(docId, matchList.size());
IndexDoc mDoc = mtasCodecInfo.getDoc(field, (docId - docBase));
if (mDoc != null) {
kwic.minPosition.put(docId, mDoc.minPosition);
kwic.maxPosition.put(docId, mDoc.maxPosition);
// kwiclist
List<KwicHit> kwicItemList = new ArrayList<>();
int number = 0;
for (Match m : matchList) {
if (kwic.number != null
&& number >= (kwic.start + kwic.number)) {
if (number >= kwic.start) {
int startPosition = m.startPosition;
int endPosition = m.endPosition - 1;
List<MtasTreeHit<String>> terms = mtasCodecInfo
(docId - docBase), kwic.prefixes,
Math.max(mDoc.minPosition, startPosition - kwic.left),
Math.min(mDoc.maxPosition, endPosition + kwic.right));
// construct hit
Map<Integer, List<String>> kwicListHits = new HashMap<>();
for (int position = Math.max(mDoc.minPosition,
startPosition - kwic.left); position <= Math.min(
endPosition + kwic.right); position++) {
kwicListHits.put(position, new ArrayList<String>());
List<String> termList;
for (MtasTreeHit<String> term : terms) {
for (int position = Math.max((startPosition - kwic.left),
term.startPosition); position <= Math.min(
(endPosition + kwic.right),
term.endPosition); position++) {
termList = kwicListHits.get(position);
kwicItemList.add(new KwicHit(m, kwicListHits));
kwic.hits.put(docId, kwicItemList);
} else if (kwic.output.equals(ComponentKwic.KWIC_OUTPUT_TOKEN)) {
for (int docId : docList) {
if (matchData != null
&& (matchList = matchData.get(docId)) != null) {
// get unique id
Document doc = searcher.doc(docId,
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(uniqueKeyField)));
// get other doc info
IndexableField indxfld = doc.getField(uniqueKeyField);
if (indxfld != null) {
kwic.uniqueKey.put(docId, indxfld.stringValue());
kwic.subTotal.put(docId, matchList.size());
IndexDoc mDoc = mtasCodecInfo.getDoc(field, (docId - docBase));
if (mDoc != null) {
kwic.minPosition.put(docId, mDoc.minPosition);
kwic.maxPosition.put(docId, mDoc.maxPosition);
List<KwicToken> kwicItemList = new ArrayList<>();
int number = 0;
for (Match m : matchList) {
if (kwic.number != null
&& number >= (kwic.start + kwic.number)) {
if (number >= kwic.start) {
int startPosition = m.startPosition;
int endPosition = m.endPosition - 1;
List<MtasTokenString> tokens;
tokens = mtasCodecInfo.getPrefixFilteredObjectsByPositions(
field, (docId - docBase), kwic.prefixes,
Math.max(mDoc.minPosition, startPosition - kwic.left),
Math.min(mDoc.maxPosition, endPosition + kwic.right));
kwicItemList.add(new KwicToken(m, tokens));
kwic.tokens.put(docId, kwicItemList);
* Creates the facet base.
* @param cf
* the cf
* @param level
* the level
* @param dataCollector
* the data collector
* @param positionsData
* the positions data
* @param spansNumberData
* the spans number data
* @param facetData
* the facet data
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void createFacetBase(ComponentFacet cf, int level,
MtasDataCollector<?, ?> dataCollector,
Map<Integer, Integer> positionsData,
Map<MtasSpanQuery, Map<Integer, Integer>> spansNumberData,
Map<String, SortedMap<String, int[]>> facetData, Integer[] docSet)
throws IOException {
for (MtasFunctionParserFunction function : cf.baseFunctionParserFunctions[level]) {
if (function.needArgumentsNumber() > cf.spanQueries.length) {
throw new IOException("function " + function + " expects (at least) "
+ function.needArgumentsNumber() + " queries");
Map<String, int[]> list = facetData.get(cf.baseFields[level]);
if (dataCollector != null) {
MtasDataCollector<?, ?> subDataCollector = null;
if (cf.baseFunctionList[level] != null) {
SubComponentFunction[] tmpList;
if (!cf.baseFunctionList[level].containsKey(dataCollector)) {
tmpList = new SubComponentFunction[cf.baseFunctionParserFunctions[level].length];
cf.baseFunctionList[level].put(dataCollector, tmpList);
for (int i = 0; i < cf.baseFunctionParserFunctions[level].length; i++) {
try {
tmpList[i] = new SubComponentFunction(
cf.baseFunctionKeys[level][i], cf.baseFunctionTypes[level][i],
cf.baseFunctionParserFunctions[level][i], null, null, 0,
Integer.MAX_VALUE, null, null);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
} else {
tmpList = cf.baseFunctionList[level].get(dataCollector);
for (SubComponentFunction function : tmpList) {
// check type
if (dataCollector.getCollectorType()
.equals(DataCollector.COLLECTOR_TYPE_LIST)) {
// only if documents and facets
if (docSet.length > 0 && list.size() > 0) {
HashMap<String, Integer[]> docLists = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<String, String> groupedKeys = new HashMap<>();
boolean documentsInFacets = false;
// compute intersections
for (Entry<String, int[]> entry : list.entrySet()) {
// fill grouped keys
if (!groupedKeys.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
groupedKeys.put(entry.getKey(), groupedKeyName(entry.getKey(),
cf.baseRangeSizes[level], cf.baseRangeBases[level]));
// intersect docSet with docList
Integer[] docList = intersectedDocList(entry.getValue(), docSet);
if (docList != null && docList.length > 0) {
documentsInFacets = true;
// update docLists
if (docLists.containsKey(groupedKeys.get(entry.getKey()))) {
docLists.put(groupedKeys.get(entry.getKey()), mergeDocLists(
docLists.get(groupedKeys.get(entry.getKey())), docList));
} else {
docLists.put(groupedKeys.get(entry.getKey()), docList);
// compute stats for each key
if (documentsInFacets) {
Map<Integer, long[]> args = computeArguments(spansNumberData,
cf.spanQueries, docSet);
if (cf.baseDataTypes[level].equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_LONG)) {
// check functions
boolean applySumRule = false;
if (cf.baseStatsTypes[level].equals(CodecUtil.STATS_BASIC)
&& cf.baseParsers[level].sumRule()
&& (cf.baseMinimumLongs[level] == null)
&& (cf.baseMaximumLongs[level] == null)) {
applySumRule = true;
if (cf.baseFunctionList[level].get(dataCollector) != null) {
for (SubComponentFunction function : cf.baseFunctionList[level]
.get(dataCollector)) {
if (!function.statsType.equals(CodecUtil.STATS_BASIC)
|| !function.parserFunction.sumRule()
|| function.parserFunction.needPositions()) {
applySumRule = false;
if (applySumRule) {
for (String key : new LinkedHashSet<String>(
groupedKeys.values())) {
if (docLists.get(key).length > 0) {
// initialise
Integer[] subDocSet = docLists.get(key);
int length = cf.baseParsers[level].needArgumentsNumber();
long[] valueSum = new long[length];
long valuePositions = 0;
// collect
if (subDocSet.length > 0) {
long[] tmpArgs;
for (int docId : subDocSet) {
tmpArgs = args.get(docId);
if (positionsData != null
&& positionsData.containsKey(docId)
&& positionsData.get(docId) != null) {
valuePositions += positionsData.get(docId)
if (tmpArgs != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
valueSum[i] += tmpArgs[i];
long value;
try {
value = cf.baseParsers[level].getValueLong(valueSum,
subDataCollector = dataCollector.add(key, value,
} catch (IOException e) {
dataCollector.error(key, e.getMessage());
subDataCollector = null;
if (cf.baseFunctionList[level] != null
&& cf.baseFunctionList[level]
.containsKey(dataCollector)) {
SubComponentFunction[] functionList = cf.baseFunctionList[level]
for (SubComponentFunction function : functionList) {
if (function.dataType
.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_LONG)) {
try {
long valueLong = function.parserFunction
.getValueLong(valueSum, valuePositions);
function.dataCollector.add(key, valueLong,
} catch (IOException e) {
function.dataCollector.error(key, e.getMessage());
} else if (function.dataType
.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE)) {
try {
double valueDouble = function.parserFunction
.getValueDouble(valueSum, valuePositions);
function.dataCollector.add(key, valueDouble,
} catch (IOException e) {
function.dataCollector.error(key, e.getMessage());
if (subDataCollector != null) {
createFacetBase(cf, (level + 1), subDataCollector,
positionsData, spansNumberData, facetData,
} else {
for (String key : new LinkedHashSet<String>(
groupedKeys.values())) {
if (docLists.get(key).length > 0) {
// initialise
Integer[] subDocSet = docLists.get(key);
// collect
if (subDocSet.length > 0 && cf.baseDataTypes[level]
.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_LONG)) {
// check for functions
long[][] functionValuesLong = null;
double[][] functionValuesDouble = null;
int[] functionNumber = null;
SubComponentFunction[] functionList = null;
if (cf.baseFunctionList[level] != null
&& cf.baseFunctionList[level]
.containsKey(dataCollector)) {
functionList = cf.baseFunctionList[level]
functionValuesLong = new long[functionList.length][];
functionValuesDouble = new double[functionList.length][];
functionNumber = new int[functionList.length];
for (int i = 0; i < functionList.length; i++) {
functionValuesLong[i] = new long[subDocSet.length];
functionValuesDouble[i] = new double[subDocSet.length];
// check main
int number = 0;
Integer[] restrictedSubDocSet = new Integer[subDocSet.length];
long[] values = new long[subDocSet.length];
for (int docId : subDocSet) {
long[] tmpArgs = args.get(docId);
int tmpPositions = (positionsData == null) ? 0
: (positionsData.get(docId) == null ? 0
: positionsData.get(docId));
long value = cf.baseParsers[level].getValueLong(tmpArgs,
if ((cf.baseMinimumLongs[level] == null
|| value >= cf.baseMinimumLongs[level])
&& (cf.baseMaximumLongs[level] == null
|| value <= cf.baseMaximumLongs[level])) {
values[number] = value;
restrictedSubDocSet[number] = docId;
if (functionList != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < functionList.length; i++) {
SubComponentFunction function = functionList[i];
if (function.dataType
.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_LONG)) {
try {
functionValuesLong[i][functionNumber[i]] = function.parserFunction
.getValueLong(tmpArgs, tmpPositions);
} catch (IOException e) {
} else if (function.dataType
.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE)) {
try {
functionValuesDouble[i][functionNumber[i]] = function.parserFunction
.getValueDouble(tmpArgs, tmpPositions);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (number > 0) {
subDataCollector = dataCollector.add(key, values,
if (cf.baseFunctionList[level] != null
&& cf.baseFunctionList[level]
.containsKey(dataCollector)) {
for (int i = 0; i < functionList.length; i++) {
SubComponentFunction function = functionList[i];
if (function.dataType
.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_LONG)) {
functionValuesLong[i], functionNumber[i]);
} else if (function.dataType
.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE)) {
functionValuesDouble[i], functionNumber[i]);
if (subDataCollector != null) {
createFacetBase(cf, (level + 1), subDataCollector,
positionsData, spansNumberData, facetData, Arrays
.copyOfRange(restrictedSubDocSet, 0, number));
} else {
throw new IOException(
"unexpected dataType " + cf.baseDataTypes[level]);
} else {
throw new IOException(
"unexpected type " + dataCollector.getCollectorType());
if (cf.baseFunctionList[level] != null
&& cf.baseFunctionList[level].containsKey(dataCollector)) {
SubComponentFunction[] tmpList = cf.baseFunctionList[level]
for (SubComponentFunction function : tmpList) {
* Grouped key name.
* @param key
* the key
* @param baseRangeSize
* the base range size
* @param baseRangeBase
* the base range base
* @return the string
private static String groupedKeyName(String key, Double baseRangeSize,
Double baseRangeBase) {
final double precision = 0.000001;
if (baseRangeSize == null || baseRangeSize <= 0) {
return key;
} else {
Double doubleKey;
Double doubleBase;
Double doubleNumber;
Double doubleStart;
Double doubleEnd;
try {
doubleKey = Double.parseDouble(key);
doubleBase = baseRangeBase != null ? baseRangeBase : 0;
doubleNumber = Math.floor((doubleKey - doubleBase) / baseRangeSize);
doubleStart = doubleBase + doubleNumber * baseRangeSize;
doubleEnd = doubleStart + baseRangeSize;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return key;
// integer
if (Math.abs(baseRangeSize - Math.floor(baseRangeSize)) < precision
&& Math.abs(doubleBase - Math.floor(doubleBase)) < precision) {
try {
if (baseRangeSize > 1) {
return String.format("%.0f", doubleStart) + "-"
+ String.format("%.0f", doubleEnd - 1);
} else {
return String.format("%.0f", doubleStart);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return key;
} else {
return "[" + doubleStart + "," + doubleEnd + ")";
* Merge doc lists.
* @param a
* the a
* @param b
* the b
* @return the integer[]
private static Integer[] mergeDocLists(Integer[] a, Integer[] b) {
Integer[] answer = new Integer[a.length + b.length];
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int k = 0;
Integer tmp;
while (i < a.length && j < b.length) {
tmp = a[i] < b[j] ? a[i++] : b[j++];
for (; i < a.length && a[i].equals(tmp); i++)
for (; j < b.length && b[j].equals(tmp); j++)
answer[k++] = tmp;
while (i < a.length) {
tmp = a[i++];
for (; i < a.length && a[i].equals(tmp); i++)
answer[k++] = tmp;
while (j < b.length) {
tmp = b[j++];
for (; j < b.length && b[j].equals(tmp); j++)
answer[k++] = tmp;
return Arrays.copyOf(answer, k);
* Creates the facet.
* @param facetList
* the facet list
* @param positionsData
* the positions data
* @param spansNumberData
* the spans number data
* @param facetData
* the facet data
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void createFacet(List<ComponentFacet> facetList,
Map<Integer, Integer> positionsData,
Map<MtasSpanQuery, Map<Integer, Integer>> spansNumberData,
Map<String, SortedMap<String, int[]>> facetData, List<Integer> docSet)
throws IOException {
if (facetList != null) {
for (ComponentFacet cf : facetList) {
if (cf.baseFields.length > 0) {
createFacetBase(cf, 0, cf.dataCollector, positionsData,
spansNumberData, facetData,
docSet.toArray(new Integer[docSet.size()]));
* Creates the termvector full.
* @param termVectorList
* the term vector list
* @param positionsData
* the positions data
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @param t
* the t
* @param r
* the r
* @param lrc
* the lrc
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void createTermvectorFull(
List<ComponentTermVector> termVectorList,
Map<Integer, Integer> positionsData, List<Integer> docSet, Terms t,
LeafReader r, LeafReaderContext lrc) throws IOException {
if (t != null) {
BytesRef term;
TermsEnum termsEnum;
PostingsEnum postingsEnum = null;
String segmentName = "segment" + lrc.ord;
int segmentNumber = lrc.parent.leaves().size();
// loop over termvectors
for (ComponentTermVector termVector : termVectorList) {
if (termVector.full || termVector.list != null) {
if (termVector.full) {
List<CompiledAutomaton> listAutomata;
Map<String, Automaton> automatonMap;
if (termVector.list == null) {
listAutomata = new ArrayList<>();
CompiledAutomaton compiledAutomaton;
Automaton automaton;
if ((termVector.regexp == null) || (termVector.regexp.isEmpty())) {
RegExp re = new RegExp(
termVector.prefix + MtasToken.DELIMITER + ".*");
automaton = re.toAutomaton();
} else {
RegExp re = new RegExp(termVector.prefix + MtasToken.DELIMITER
+ termVector.regexp + "\u0000*");
automaton = re.toAutomaton();
compiledAutomaton = new CompiledAutomaton(automaton);
} else {
automatonMap = MtasToken.createAutomatonMap(termVector.prefix,
new ArrayList<String>(termVector.list),
termVector.listRegexp ? false : true);
listAutomata = MtasToken.createAutomata(termVector.prefix,
termVector.regexp, automatonMap);
List<ByteRunAutomaton> ignoreByteRunAutomatonList = null;
if ((termVector.ignoreRegexp != null)
&& (!termVector.ignoreRegexp.isEmpty())) {
ignoreByteRunAutomatonList = new ArrayList<>();
RegExp re = new RegExp(termVector.prefix + MtasToken.DELIMITER
+ termVector.ignoreRegexp + "\u0000*");
.add(new ByteRunAutomaton(re.toAutomaton()));
if (termVector.ignoreList != null) {
if (ignoreByteRunAutomatonList == null) {
ignoreByteRunAutomatonList = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, Automaton> list = MtasToken.createAutomatonMap(
termVector.prefix, new ArrayList<String>(termVector.ignoreList),
termVector.ignoreListRegexp ? false : true);
for (Automaton automaton : list.values()) {
ignoreByteRunAutomatonList.add(new ByteRunAutomaton(automaton));
for (CompiledAutomaton compiledAutomaton : listAutomata) {
if (!compiledAutomaton.type
.equals(CompiledAutomaton.AUTOMATON_TYPE.NORMAL)) {
if (compiledAutomaton.type
.equals(CompiledAutomaton.AUTOMATON_TYPE.NONE)) {
// do nothing
} else {
throw new IOException(
"compiledAutomaton is " + compiledAutomaton.type);
} else {
termsEnum = t.intersect(compiledAutomaton, null);
int initSize = Math.min((int) t.size(), 1000);
initSize, segmentName, segmentNumber, termVector.boundary);
boolean doBasic = termVector.subComponentFunction.dataCollector
if (termVector.functions != null) {
for (SubComponentFunction function : termVector.functions) {
doBasic = doBasic
? (function.parserFunction.sumRule()
&& !function.parserFunction.needPositions()
&& function.dataCollector.getStatsType()
: doBasic;
// only if documents
if (!docSet.isEmpty()) {
int termDocId;
boolean acceptedTerm;
String key;
// loop over terms
while ((term = != null) {
if (validateTermWithStartValue(term, termVector)
&& validateTermWithDistance(term, termVector)) {
termDocId = -1;
acceptedTerm = true;
if (ignoreByteRunAutomatonList != null) {
for (ByteRunAutomaton ignoreByteRunAutomaton : ignoreByteRunAutomatonList) {
if (, term.offset,
term.length)) {
acceptedTerm = false;
if (acceptedTerm) {
if (doBasic) {
// compute numbers;
TermvectorNumberBasic numberBasic = computeTermvectorNumberBasic(
docSet, termDocId, termsEnum, r, lrc, postingsEnum);
// register
if (numberBasic.docNumber > 0) {
long valueLong = 0;
key = MtasToken.getPostfixFromValue(term);
try {
valueLong = termVector.subComponentFunction.parserFunction
.getValueLong(numberBasic.valueSum, 1);
} catch (IOException e) {
valueLong, numberBasic.docNumber);
if (termVector.functions != null) {
for (SubComponentFunction function : termVector.functions) {
if (function.dataType
.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_LONG)) {
long valueFunction = function.parserFunction
.getValueLong(numberBasic.valueSum, 0);
function.dataCollector.add(key, valueFunction,
} else if (function.dataType
.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE)) {
double valueFunction = function.parserFunction
.getValueDouble(numberBasic.valueSum, 0);
function.dataCollector.add(key, valueFunction,
} else {
TermvectorNumberFull numberFull = computeTermvectorNumberFull(
docSet, termDocId, termsEnum, lrc, postingsEnum,
if (numberFull.docNumber > 0) {
long[] valuesLong = new long[numberFull.docNumber];
key = MtasToken.getPostfixFromValue(term);
for (int i = 0; i < numberFull.docNumber; i++) {
try {
valuesLong[i] = termVector.subComponentFunction.parserFunction
new long[] { numberFull.args[i] },
} catch (IOException e) {
.error(key, e.getMessage());
valuesLong, valuesLong.length);
if (termVector.functions != null) {
for (SubComponentFunction function : termVector.functions) {
if (function.dataType
.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_LONG)) {
valuesLong = new long[numberFull.docNumber];
for (int i = 0; i < numberFull.docNumber; i++) {
try {
valuesLong[i] = function.parserFunction
new long[] { numberFull.args[i] },
} catch (IOException e) {
function.dataCollector.add(key, valuesLong,
} else if (function.dataType
.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE)) {
double[] valuesDouble = new double[numberFull.docNumber];
for (int i = 0; i < numberFull.docNumber; i++) {
try {
valuesDouble[i] = function.parserFunction
new long[] { numberFull.args[i] },
} catch (IOException e) {
function.dataCollector.add(key, valuesDouble,
if (termVector.functions != null) {
for (SubComponentFunction function : termVector.functions) {
* Creates the termvector first round.
* @param termVectorList
* the term vector list
* @param positionsData
* the positions data
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @param t
* the t
* @param r
* the r
* @param lrc
* the lrc
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void createTermvectorFirstRound(
List<ComponentTermVector> termVectorList,
Map<Integer, Integer> positionsData, List<Integer> docSet, Terms t,
LeafReader r, LeafReaderContext lrc) throws IOException {
if (t != null) {
BytesRef term;
TermsEnum termsEnum;
PostingsEnum postingsEnum = null;
String segmentName = "segment" + lrc.ord;
String[] mutableKey = new String[1];
int segmentNumber = lrc.parent.leaves().size();
// loop over termvectors
for (ComponentTermVector termVector : termVectorList) {
CompiledAutomaton compiledAutomaton;
if ((termVector.regexp == null) || (termVector.regexp.isEmpty())) {
RegExp re = new RegExp(
termVector.prefix + MtasToken.DELIMITER + ".*");
compiledAutomaton = new CompiledAutomaton(re.toAutomaton());
} else {
RegExp re = new RegExp(termVector.prefix + MtasToken.DELIMITER
+ termVector.regexp + "\u0000*");
compiledAutomaton = new CompiledAutomaton(re.toAutomaton());
List<ByteRunAutomaton> ignoreByteRunAutomatonList = null;
if ((termVector.ignoreRegexp != null)
&& (!termVector.ignoreRegexp.isEmpty())) {
ignoreByteRunAutomatonList = new ArrayList<>();
RegExp re = new RegExp(termVector.prefix + MtasToken.DELIMITER
+ termVector.ignoreRegexp + "\u0000*");
.add(new ByteRunAutomaton(re.toAutomaton()));
if (termVector.ignoreList != null) {
if (ignoreByteRunAutomatonList == null) {
ignoreByteRunAutomatonList = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, Automaton> list = MtasToken.createAutomatonMap(
termVector.prefix, new ArrayList<String>(termVector.ignoreList),
termVector.ignoreListRegexp ? false : true);
for (Automaton automaton : list.values()) {
ignoreByteRunAutomatonList.add(new ByteRunAutomaton(automaton));
if (!termVector.full && termVector.list == null) {
termsEnum = t.intersect(compiledAutomaton, null);
int initSize = Math.min((int) t.size(), 1000);
segmentName, segmentNumber, termVector.boundary);
if (termVector.functions != null) {
for (SubComponentFunction function : termVector.functions) {
// only if documents
if (!docSet.isEmpty()) {
int termDocId;
int termNumberMaximum = termVector.number;
HashMap<BytesRef, RegisterStatus> computeFullList = new HashMap<>();
RegisterStatus registerStatus;
// basic, don't need full values
if (termVector.subComponentFunction.sortType
|| termVector.subComponentFunction.sortType
|| termVector.subComponentFunction.sortType
.equals(CodecUtil.STATS_TYPE_N)) {
int termCounter = 0;
boolean continueAfterPreliminaryCheck;
boolean preliminaryCheck = false;
if (r.getLiveDocs() == null && (docSet.size() != r.numDocs())) {
preliminaryCheck = true;
// loop over terms
boolean acceptedTerm;
while ((term = != null) {
if (validateTermWithStartValue(term, termVector)
&& validateTermWithDistance(term, termVector)) {
termDocId = -1;
acceptedTerm = true;
if (ignoreByteRunAutomatonList != null) {
for (ByteRunAutomaton ignoreByteRunAutomaton : ignoreByteRunAutomatonList) {
if (, term.offset,
term.length)) {
acceptedTerm = false;
if (acceptedTerm) {
continueAfterPreliminaryCheck = true;
mutableKey[0] = null;
if (preliminaryCheck) {
try {
TermvectorNumberBasic preliminaryNumberBasic = computeTermvectorNumberBasic(
termsEnum, r);
if (preliminaryNumberBasic.docNumber > 0) {
continueAfterPreliminaryCheck = preliminaryRegisterValue(
term, termVector, preliminaryNumberBasic,
termNumberMaximum, segmentNumber, mutableKey);
} else {
continueAfterPreliminaryCheck = false;
} catch (IOException e) {
continueAfterPreliminaryCheck = true;
if (continueAfterPreliminaryCheck) {
// compute numbers;
TermvectorNumberBasic numberBasic = computeTermvectorNumberBasic(
docSet, termDocId, termsEnum, r, lrc, postingsEnum);
// register
if (numberBasic.docNumber > 0) {
registerStatus = registerValue(term, termVector,
numberBasic, termNumberMaximum, segmentNumber,
false, mutableKey);
if (registerStatus != null) {
// stop after termCounterMaximum
if (termVector.subComponentFunction.sortType
&& termVector.subComponentFunction.sortDirection
&& termCounter >= termNumberMaximum) {
// rerun for full
if (computeFullList.size() > 0) {
termsEnum = t.intersect(compiledAutomaton, null);
while ((term = != null) {
if (validateTermWithStartValue(term, termVector)
&& validateTermWithDistance(term, termVector)) {
termDocId = -1;
mutableKey[0] = null;
// only if (probably) needed
if (computeFullList.containsKey(term)) {
registerStatus = computeFullList.get(term);
boolean doAdd;
doAdd = termVector.subComponentFunction.sortType
doAdd |= termVector.subComponentFunction.sortDirection
doAdd |= termVector.list != null;
doAdd |= termVector.boundaryRegistration;
doAdd |= registerStatus.force;
doAdd |= termVector.subComponentFunction.dataCollector
if (doAdd) {
TermvectorNumberFull numberFull = computeTermvectorNumberFull(
docSet, termDocId, termsEnum, lrc, postingsEnum,
if (numberFull.docNumber > 0) {
registerValue(term, termVector, numberFull,
} else {
throw new IOException(
"sort '" + termVector.subComponentFunction.sortType + " "
+ termVector.subComponentFunction.sortDirection
+ "' not supported");
// finish if segments are used
if (termVector.functions != null) {
for (SubComponentFunction function : termVector.functions) {
if (termVector.functions != null) {
for (SubComponentFunction function : termVector.functions) {
* Creates the termvector second round.
* @param termVectorList
* the term vector list
* @param positionsData
* the positions data
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @param t
* the t
* @param r
* the r
* @param lrc
* the lrc
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void createTermvectorSecondRound(
List<ComponentTermVector> termVectorList,
Map<Integer, Integer> positionsData, List<Integer> docSet, Terms t,
LeafReader r, LeafReaderContext lrc, Status status) throws IOException {
if (t != null) {
BytesRef term;
TermsEnum termsEnum;
PostingsEnum postingsEnum = null;
String segmentName = "segment" + lrc.ord;
int segmentNumber = lrc.parent.leaves().size();
String[] mutableKey = new String[1];
for (ComponentTermVector termVector : termVectorList) {
if (!termVector.full && termVector.list == null
&& (termVector.subComponentFunction.dataCollector.segmentRecomputeKeyList != null
&& termVector.subComponentFunction.dataCollector.segmentRecomputeKeyList
.containsKey(segmentName))) {
Set<String> recomputeKeyList = termVector.subComponentFunction.dataCollector.segmentRecomputeKeyList
if (!recomputeKeyList.isEmpty()) {
Map<String, Automaton> automatonMap = MtasToken.createAutomatonMap(
termVector.prefix, new ArrayList<String>(recomputeKeyList),
List<CompiledAutomaton> listCompiledAutomata = MtasToken
.createAutomata(termVector.prefix, termVector.regexp,
for (CompiledAutomaton compiledAutomaton : listCompiledAutomata) {
if (!compiledAutomaton.type
.equals(CompiledAutomaton.AUTOMATON_TYPE.NONE)) {
termsEnum = t.intersect(compiledAutomaton, null);
segmentName, segmentNumber, termVector.boundary);
RegisterStatus registerStatus = null;
if (termVector.functions != null) {
for (SubComponentFunction function : termVector.functions) {
function.dataCollector.initNewList((int) t.size(),
segmentName, segmentNumber, null);
if (!docSet.isEmpty()) {
int termDocId;
while ((term = != null) {
if (validateTermWithStartValue(term, termVector)) {
termDocId = -1;
mutableKey[0] = null;
// compute numbers;
TermvectorNumberBasic numberBasic = computeTermvectorNumberBasic(
docSet, termDocId, termsEnum, r, lrc, postingsEnum);
if (numberBasic.docNumber > 0) {
registerStatus = registerValue(term, termVector,
numberBasic, 0, segmentNumber, true, mutableKey);
if (registerStatus != null) {
TermvectorNumberFull numberFull = computeTermvectorNumberFull(
docSet, termDocId, termsEnum, lrc, postingsEnum,
if (numberFull.docNumber > 0) {
registerValue(term, termVector, numberFull,
if (termVector.functions != null) {
for (SubComponentFunction function : termVector.functions) {
* Validate term with start value.
* @param term
* the term
* @param termVector
* the term vector
* @return true, if successful
private static boolean validateTermWithStartValue(BytesRef term,
ComponentTermVector termVector) {
if (termVector.startValue == null) {
return true;
} else if (termVector.subComponentFunction.sortType
.equals(CodecUtil.SORT_TERM)) {
if (term.length > termVector.startValue.length) {
byte[] zeroBytes = (new BytesRef("\u0000")).bytes;
int n = (int) (Math
.ceil(((double) (term.length - termVector.startValue.length))
/ zeroBytes.length));
byte[] newBytes = new byte[termVector.startValue.length
+ n * zeroBytes.length];
System.arraycopy(termVector.startValue.bytes, 0, newBytes, 0,
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
System.arraycopy(zeroBytes, 0, newBytes,
termVector.startValue.length + i * zeroBytes.length,
termVector.startValue = new BytesRef(newBytes);
if ((termVector.subComponentFunction.sortDirection.equals(
CodecUtil.SORT_ASC) && (termVector.startValue.compareTo(term) < 0))
|| (termVector.subComponentFunction.sortDirection
&& (termVector.startValue.compareTo(term) > 0))) {
return true;
return false;
* Validate term with distance.
* @param term
* the term
* @param termVector
* the term vector
* @return true, if successful
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static boolean validateTermWithDistance(BytesRef term,
ComponentTermVector termVector) throws IOException {
if (termVector.distances == null || termVector.distances.isEmpty()) {
return true;
} else {
// first check maximum for all distances
for (SubComponentDistance item : termVector.distances) {
if (item.maximum == null) {
} else {
if (!item.getDistance().validateMaximum(term)) {
return false;
// then check minimum for all distances
for (SubComponentDistance item : termVector.distances) {
if (item.minimum == null) {
} else {
if (!item.getDistance().validateMinimum(term)) {
return false;
// try {
// System.out.println("ACCEPT: " + term.utf8ToString()+"
// ("+termVector.distances.size()+")");
// for (SubComponentDistance item : termVector.distances) {
// System.out.println(
// item.hashCode() + "\t" +
// term.utf8ToString()+"\t"+item.getDistance().getClass().getName()+"\t"+item.getDistance().minimum+"\t"+item.getDistance().maximum
// + "\t" +
// item.getDistance().validate(term)+"\t"+item.getDistance().compute(term));
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// System.out.println("PROBLEEM: "+e.getMessage());
// }
return true;
* Need second round termvector.
* @param termVectorList
* the term vector list
* @return true, if successful
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static boolean needSecondRoundTermvector(
List<ComponentTermVector> termVectorList) throws IOException {
boolean needSecondRound = false;
for (ComponentTermVector termVector : termVectorList) {
if (!termVector.full && termVector.list == null) {
boolean doCheck;
doCheck = termVector.subComponentFunction.dataCollector.segmentRegistration != null
&& (termVector.subComponentFunction.dataCollector.segmentRegistration
|| termVector.subComponentFunction.dataCollector.segmentRegistration
&& termVector.number > 0;
doCheck |= termVector.subComponentFunction.dataCollector.segmentRegistration != null
&& (termVector.subComponentFunction.dataCollector.segmentRegistration
|| termVector.subComponentFunction.dataCollector.segmentRegistration
&& termVector.number > 0;
if (doCheck) {
if (!termVector.subComponentFunction.dataCollector
.checkExistenceNecessaryKeys()) {
needSecondRound = true;
return needSecondRound;
* The Class TermvectorNumberBasic.
private static class TermvectorNumberBasic {
/** The value sum. */
public long[] valueSum;
/** The doc number. */
public int docNumber;
* Instantiates a new termvector number basic.
TermvectorNumberBasic() {
valueSum = new long[] { 0 };
docNumber = 0;
* The Class TermvectorNumberFull.
private static class TermvectorNumberFull {
/** The args. */
public long[] args;
/** The positions. */
public int[] positions;
/** The doc number. */
public int docNumber;
* Instantiates a new termvector number full.
* @param maxSize
* the max size
TermvectorNumberFull(int maxSize) {
args = new long[maxSize];
positions = new int[maxSize];
docNumber = 0;
* The Class RegisterStatus.
private static class RegisterStatus {
/** The sort value. */
public long sortValue;
/** The force. */
public boolean force;
* Instantiates a new register status.
* @param sortValue
* the sort value
* @param force
* the force
RegisterStatus(long sortValue, boolean force) {
this.sortValue = sortValue;
this.force = force;
* Register value.
* @param term
* the term
* @param termVector
* the term vector
* @param number
* the number
* @param termNumberMaximum
* the term number maximum
* @param segmentNumber
* the segment number
* @param forceAccept
* the force accept
* @param mutableKey
* the mutable key
* @return the register status
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static RegisterStatus registerValue(BytesRef term,
ComponentTermVector termVector, TermvectorNumberBasic number,
Integer termNumberMaximum, Integer segmentNumber, boolean forceAccept,
String[] mutableKey) throws IOException {
long value = termVector.subComponentFunction.parserFunction
.getValueLong(number.valueSum, 0);
long sortValue = 0;
if (termVector.subComponentFunction.sortType
.equals(CodecUtil.STATS_TYPE_SUM)) {
sortValue = value;
} else if (termVector.subComponentFunction.sortType
.equals(CodecUtil.STATS_TYPE_N)) {
sortValue = number.docNumber;
boolean addItem = false;
boolean addItemForced = false;
MtasDataCollector<Long, ?> dataCollector = (MtasDataCollector<Long, ?>) termVector.subComponentFunction.dataCollector;
// sort on term
if (termVector.subComponentFunction.sortType.equals(CodecUtil.SORT_TERM)) {
addItem = true;
addItemForced = true;
// sort on sum or n
} else if (termVector.subComponentFunction.sortType
|| termVector.subComponentFunction.sortType
.equals(CodecUtil.STATS_TYPE_N)) {
// always accept
if (forceAccept) {
addItem = true;
addItemForced = addItem;
// check boundary
} else if (termVector.boundaryRegistration) {
addItem = dataCollector.validateSegmentBoundary(sortValue);
if (addItem) {
if (mutableKey[0] == null) {
mutableKey[0] = MtasToken.getPostfixFromValue(term);
String segmentStatus = dataCollector.validateSegmentValue(
mutableKey[0], sortValue, termNumberMaximum, segmentNumber,
if (segmentStatus != null) {
if (segmentStatus.equals(MtasDataCollector.SEGMENT_KEY)) {
addItemForced = true;
} else {
// shouldn't happen
// no boundary
} else {
String segmentStatus = dataCollector.validateSegmentValue(sortValue,
termNumberMaximum, segmentNumber);
if (segmentStatus != null) {
boolean possibleAddItem;
if (segmentStatus.equals(MtasDataCollector.SEGMENT_KEY_OR_NEW)) {
possibleAddItem = true;
} else if (segmentStatus
.equals(MtasDataCollector.SEGMENT_POSSIBLE_KEY)) {
mutableKey[0] = MtasToken.getPostfixFromValue(term);
segmentStatus = dataCollector.validateSegmentValue(mutableKey[0],
sortValue, termNumberMaximum, segmentNumber, true);
if (segmentStatus != null) {
possibleAddItem = true;
} else {
possibleAddItem = false;
} else {
// should never happen?
possibleAddItem = false;
// further checks, passed initial
if (possibleAddItem) {
if (mutableKey[0] == null) {
mutableKey[0] = MtasToken.getPostfixFromValue(term);
segmentStatus = dataCollector.validateSegmentValue(mutableKey[0],
sortValue, termNumberMaximum, segmentNumber, false);
if (segmentStatus != null) {
addItem = true;
if (segmentStatus.equals(MtasDataCollector.SEGMENT_KEY)) {
addItemForced = true;
} else {
addItem = false;
// don't sort?
} else {
addItem = false;
if (addItem) {
boolean computeFull = false;
if (mutableKey[0] == null) {
mutableKey[0] = MtasToken.getPostfixFromValue(term);
// check dataCollector type
if (termVector.subComponentFunction.statsType
.equals(CodecUtil.STATS_BASIC)) {
dataCollector.add(mutableKey[0], value, number.docNumber);
} else {
computeFull = true;
// functions
if (termVector.functions != null) {
for (SubComponentFunction function : termVector.functions) {
if (function.parserFunction.sumRule()
&& !function.parserFunction.needPositions()
&& function.statsType.equals(CodecUtil.STATS_BASIC)) {
if (function.dataType.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_LONG)) {
long valueFunction = function.parserFunction
.getValueLong(number.valueSum, 0);
function.dataCollector.add(mutableKey[0], valueFunction,
} else if (function.dataType.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE)) {
double valueFunction = function.parserFunction
.getValueDouble(number.valueSum, 0);
function.dataCollector.add(mutableKey[0], valueFunction,
} else {
computeFull = true;
// add as full?
return computeFull ? new RegisterStatus(sortValue, addItemForced) : null;
} else {
return null;
* Preliminary register value.
* @param term
* the term
* @param termVector
* the term vector
* @param number
* the number
* @param termNumberMaximum
* the term number maximum
* @param segmentNumber
* the segment number
* @param mutableKey
* the mutable key
* @return true, if successful
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static boolean preliminaryRegisterValue(BytesRef term,
ComponentTermVector termVector, TermvectorNumberBasic number,
Integer termNumberMaximum, Integer segmentNumber, String[] mutableKey)
throws IOException {
long sortValue = 0;
if (termVector.subComponentFunction.sortDirection
&& termVector.subComponentFunction.sortType
.equals(CodecUtil.STATS_TYPE_SUM)) {
sortValue = termVector.subComponentFunction.parserFunction
.getValueLong(number.valueSum, 0);
} else if (termVector.subComponentFunction.sortDirection
&& termVector.subComponentFunction.sortType
.equals(CodecUtil.STATS_TYPE_N)) {
sortValue = number.docNumber;
} else {
return true;
MtasDataCollector<Long, ?> dataCollector = (MtasDataCollector<Long, ?>) termVector.subComponentFunction.dataCollector;
if (termVector.boundaryRegistration) {
return dataCollector.validateSegmentBoundary(sortValue);
} else {
String segmentStatus = dataCollector.validateSegmentValue(sortValue,
termNumberMaximum, segmentNumber);
if (segmentStatus != null) {
if (segmentStatus.equals(MtasDataCollector.SEGMENT_KEY_OR_NEW)) {
return true;
} else if (segmentStatus
.equals(MtasDataCollector.SEGMENT_POSSIBLE_KEY)) {
mutableKey[0] = MtasToken.getPostfixFromValue(term);
segmentStatus = dataCollector.validateSegmentValue(mutableKey[0],
sortValue, termNumberMaximum, segmentNumber, true);
return segmentStatus != null;
} else {
// should never happen?
return false;
} else {
return false;
* Register value.
* @param term
* the term
* @param termVector
* the term vector
* @param number
* the number
* @param mutableKey
* the mutable key
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void registerValue(BytesRef term,
ComponentTermVector termVector, TermvectorNumberFull number,
String[] mutableKey) throws IOException {
if (number.docNumber > 0) {
if (mutableKey[0] == null) {
mutableKey[0] = MtasToken.getPostfixFromValue(term);
MtasDataCollector<Long, ?> dataCollector = (MtasDataCollector<Long, ?>) termVector.subComponentFunction.dataCollector;
long[] valuesLong = new long[number.docNumber];
for (int i = 0; i < number.docNumber; i++) {
try {
valuesLong[i] = termVector.subComponentFunction.parserFunction
.getValueLong(new long[] { number.args[i] }, number.positions[i]);
} catch (IOException e) {
dataCollector.error(mutableKey[0], e.getMessage());
if (!termVector.subComponentFunction.statsType
.equals(CodecUtil.STATS_BASIC)) {
dataCollector.add(mutableKey[0], valuesLong, valuesLong.length);
for (SubComponentFunction function : termVector.functions) {
if (!function.parserFunction.sumRule()
|| function.parserFunction.needPositions()
|| !function.statsType.equals(CodecUtil.STATS_BASIC)) {
if (function.dataType.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_LONG)) {
valuesLong = new long[number.docNumber];
for (int i = 0; i < number.docNumber; i++) {
try {
valuesLong[i] = function.parserFunction.getValueLong(
new long[] { number.args[i] }, number.positions[i]);
} catch (IOException e) {
function.dataCollector.error(mutableKey[0], e.getMessage());
function.dataCollector.add(mutableKey[0], valuesLong,
} else if (function.dataType.equals(CodecUtil.DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE)) {
double[] valuesDouble = new double[number.docNumber];
for (int i = 0; i < number.docNumber; i++) {
try {
valuesDouble[i] = function.parserFunction.getValueDouble(
new long[] { number.args[i] }, number.positions[i]);
} catch (IOException e) {
function.dataCollector.error(mutableKey[0], e.getMessage());
function.dataCollector.add(mutableKey[0], valuesDouble,
* Compute termvector number basic.
* @param termsEnum
* the terms enum
* @param r
* the r
* @return the termvector number basic
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static TermvectorNumberBasic computeTermvectorNumberBasic(
TermsEnum termsEnum, LeafReader r) throws IOException {
TermvectorNumberBasic result = new TermvectorNumberBasic();
boolean hasDeletedDocuments = (r.getLiveDocs() != null);
if (!hasDeletedDocuments) {
result.valueSum[0] = termsEnum.totalTermFreq();
result.docNumber = termsEnum.docFreq();
if (result.valueSum[0] > -1) {
return result;
throw new IOException("should not call this");
* Compute termvector number basic.
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @param termDocId
* the term doc id
* @param termsEnum
* the terms enum
* @param r
* the r
* @param lrc
* the lrc
* @param postingsEnum
* the postings enum
* @return the termvector number basic
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static TermvectorNumberBasic computeTermvectorNumberBasic(
List<Integer> docSet, int termDocId, TermsEnum termsEnum, LeafReader r,
LeafReaderContext lrc, PostingsEnum postingsEnum) throws IOException {
TermvectorNumberBasic result = new TermvectorNumberBasic();
boolean hasDeletedDocuments = (r.getLiveDocs() != null);
if ((docSet.size() == r.numDocs()) && !hasDeletedDocuments) {
try {
return computeTermvectorNumberBasic(termsEnum, r);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.debug("problem", e);
// problem
result.docNumber = 0;
result.valueSum[0] = 0;
int localTermDocId = termDocId;
Iterator<Integer> docIterator = docSet.iterator();
postingsEnum = termsEnum.postings(postingsEnum, PostingsEnum.FREQS);
int docId;
while (docIterator.hasNext()) {
docId = - lrc.docBase;
if (docId >= localTermDocId && ((docId == localTermDocId)
|| ((localTermDocId = postingsEnum.advance(docId)) == docId))) {
result.valueSum[0] += postingsEnum.freq();
if (localTermDocId == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
return result;
* Compute termvector number full.
* @param docSet
* the doc set
* @param termDocId
* the term doc id
* @param termsEnum
* the terms enum
* @param lrc
* the lrc
* @param postingsEnum
* the postings enum
* @param positionsData
* the positions data
* @return the termvector number full
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static TermvectorNumberFull computeTermvectorNumberFull(
List<Integer> docSet, int termDocId, TermsEnum termsEnum,
LeafReaderContext lrc, PostingsEnum postingsEnum,
Map<Integer, Integer> positionsData) throws IOException {
TermvectorNumberFull result = new TermvectorNumberFull(docSet.size());
Iterator<Integer> docIterator = docSet.iterator();
int localTermDocId = termDocId;
postingsEnum = termsEnum.postings(postingsEnum, PostingsEnum.FREQS);
while (docIterator.hasNext()) {
int docId = - lrc.docBase;
if (docId >= localTermDocId && ((docId == localTermDocId)
|| ((localTermDocId = postingsEnum.advance(docId)) == docId))) {
result.args[result.docNumber] = postingsEnum.freq();
result.positions[result.docNumber] = (positionsData == null) ? 0
: positionsData.get(docId + lrc.docBase);
return result;