package mtas.codec.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import mtas.codec.tree.IntervalTree;
import mtas.codec.tree.IntervalTreeNode;
import mtas.codec.tree.MtasTree;
* The Class CodecSearchTree.
public class CodecSearchTree {
* Advance mtas tree.
* @param position the position
* @param in the in
* @param ref the ref
* @param objectRefApproxOffset the object ref approx offset
* @return the array list
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public static ArrayList<MtasTreeHit<?>> advanceMtasTree(int position,
IndexInput in, long ref, long objectRefApproxOffset) throws IOException {
ArrayList<MtasTreeHit<?>> list = new ArrayList<MtasTreeHit<?>>();
ArrayList<MtasTreeItem> checkList = new ArrayList<MtasTreeItem>();
AtomicBoolean isSinglePoint = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicBoolean isStoreAdditonalId = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicLong nodeRefApproxOffset = new AtomicLong(-1);
checkList.add(getMtasTreeItem(ref, isSinglePoint, isStoreAdditonalId,
nodeRefApproxOffset, in, objectRefApproxOffset));
ArrayList<Long> history = new ArrayList<Long>();
do {
MtasTreeItem checkItem = checkList.remove(checkList.size() - 1);
advanceMtasTree(checkItem, position, in, isSinglePoint,
isStoreAdditonalId, objectRefApproxOffset, list, nodeRefApproxOffset,
if (history.size() > 1000) {
throw new IOException(
"ADVANCE " + position + " " + checkList + "\n" + history);
} while (checkList.size() > 0);
return list;
* Advance mtas tree.
* @param treeItem the tree item
* @param position the position
* @param in the in
* @param isSinglePoint the is single point
* @param isStoreAdditionalId the is store additional id
* @param objectRefApproxOffset the object ref approx offset
* @param list the list
* @param nodeRefApproxOffset the node ref approx offset
* @param checkList the check list
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void advanceMtasTree(MtasTreeItem treeItem, int position,
IndexInput in, AtomicBoolean isSinglePoint,
AtomicBoolean isStoreAdditionalId, long objectRefApproxOffset,
ArrayList<MtasTreeHit<?>> list, AtomicLong nodeRefApproxOffset,
ArrayList<MtasTreeItem> checkList) throws IOException {
if (position <= treeItem.max) {
// check current node
if (position <= treeItem.left) {
if (list.size() > 0) {
if (list.get(0).startPosition > treeItem.left) {
for (int i = 0; i < treeItem.objectRefs.length; i++) {
list.add(new MtasTreeHit<>(treeItem.left, treeItem.right,
treeItem.additionalIds == null ? 0 : treeItem.additionalIds[i],
treeItem.additionalRefs == null ? 0
: treeItem.additionalRefs[i]));
// check leftChild
if (!treeItem.leftChild.equals(treeItem.ref)) {
MtasTreeItem treeItemLeft = getMtasTreeItem(treeItem.leftChild,
isSinglePoint, isStoreAdditionalId, nodeRefApproxOffset, in,
if (position <= treeItemLeft.max) {
} else {
// check right
if (position <= treeItem.max) {
if (!treeItem.rightChild.equals(treeItem.ref)) {
MtasTreeItem treeItemRight = getMtasTreeItem(treeItem.rightChild,
isSinglePoint, isStoreAdditionalId, nodeRefApproxOffset, in,
if (position <= treeItemRight.max) {
* Search mtas tree.
* @param position the position
* @param in the in
* @param ref the ref
* @param objectRefApproxOffset the object ref approx offset
* @return the array list
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public static ArrayList<MtasTreeHit<?>> searchMtasTree(int position,
IndexInput in, long ref, long objectRefApproxOffset) throws IOException {
return searchMtasTree(position, position, in, ref, objectRefApproxOffset);
* Search mtas tree.
* @param startPosition the start position
* @param endPosition the end position
* @param in the in
* @param ref the ref
* @param objectRefApproxOffset the object ref approx offset
* @return the array list
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public static ArrayList<MtasTreeHit<?>> searchMtasTree(int startPosition,
int endPosition, IndexInput in, long ref, long objectRefApproxOffset)
throws IOException {
int boundary = 1000 + 10 * (endPosition - startPosition);
ArrayList<MtasTreeHit<?>> list = new ArrayList<MtasTreeHit<?>>();
ArrayList<MtasTreeItem> checkList = new ArrayList<MtasTreeItem>();
AtomicBoolean isSinglePoint = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicBoolean isStoreAdditionalId = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicLong nodeRefApproxOffset = new AtomicLong(-1);
checkList.add(getMtasTreeItem(ref, isSinglePoint, isStoreAdditionalId,
nodeRefApproxOffset, in, objectRefApproxOffset));
ArrayList<Long> history = new ArrayList<Long>();
do {
MtasTreeItem checkItem = checkList.remove(checkList.size() - 1);
searchMtasTree(checkItem, startPosition, endPosition, in, isSinglePoint,
isStoreAdditionalId, objectRefApproxOffset, list, nodeRefApproxOffset,
if (history.size() > boundary) {
throw new IOException("Too many items collected from tree");
} while (checkList.size() > 0);
return list;
* Search mtas tree.
* @param treeItem the tree item
* @param startPosition the start position
* @param endPosition the end position
* @param in the in
* @param isSinglePoint the is single point
* @param isStoreAdditionalId the is store additional id
* @param objectRefApproxOffset the object ref approx offset
* @param list the list
* @param nodeRefApproxOffset the node ref approx offset
* @param checkList the check list
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void searchMtasTree(MtasTreeItem treeItem, int startPosition,
int endPosition, IndexInput in, AtomicBoolean isSinglePoint,
AtomicBoolean isStoreAdditionalId, long objectRefApproxOffset,
ArrayList<MtasTreeHit<?>> list, AtomicLong nodeRefApproxOffset,
ArrayList<MtasTreeItem> checkList) throws IOException {
if (startPosition <= treeItem.max) {
// match current node
if ((endPosition >= treeItem.left) && (startPosition <= treeItem.right)) {
for (int i = 0; i < treeItem.objectRefs.length; i++) {
list.add(new MtasTreeHit<>(treeItem.left, treeItem.right,
treeItem.additionalIds == null ? 0 : treeItem.additionalIds[i],
treeItem.additionalRefs == null ? 0
: treeItem.additionalRefs[i]));
// check leftChild
if (!treeItem.leftChild.equals(treeItem.ref)) {
MtasTreeItem treeItemLeft = getMtasTreeItem(treeItem.leftChild,
isSinglePoint, isStoreAdditionalId, nodeRefApproxOffset, in,
if (treeItemLeft.max >= startPosition) {
// check rightChild
if (treeItem.left <= endPosition) {
if (!treeItem.rightChild.equals(treeItem.ref)) {
MtasTreeItem treeItemRight = getMtasTreeItem(treeItem.rightChild,
isSinglePoint, isStoreAdditionalId, nodeRefApproxOffset, in,
if ((treeItemRight.left >= endPosition)
|| (treeItemRight.max >= startPosition)) {
* Gets the mtas tree item.
* @param ref the ref
* @param isSinglePoint the is single point
* @param isStoreAdditionalIdAndRef the is store additional id and ref
* @param nodeRefApproxOffset the node ref approx offset
* @param in the in
* @param objectRefApproxOffset the object ref approx offset
* @return the mtas tree item
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static MtasTreeItem getMtasTreeItem(Long ref,
AtomicBoolean isSinglePoint, AtomicBoolean isStoreAdditionalIdAndRef,
AtomicLong nodeRefApproxOffset, IndexInput in, long objectRefApproxOffset)
throws IOException {
try {
Boolean isRoot = false;
if (nodeRefApproxOffset.get() < 0) {
isRoot = true;
if (isRoot) {
Byte flag = in.readByte();
if ((flag
if ((flag
int left = in.readVInt();
int right = in.readVInt();
int max = in.readVInt();
Long leftChild = in.readVLong() + nodeRefApproxOffset.get();
Long rightChild = in.readVLong() + nodeRefApproxOffset.get();
int size = 1;
if (!isSinglePoint.get()) {
size = in.readVInt();
// initialize
long[] objectRefs = new long[size];
int[] objectAdditionalIds = null;
long[] objectAdditionalRefs = null;
// get first
long objectRef = in.readVLong();
long objectRefPrevious = objectRef + objectRefApproxOffset;
objectRefs[0] = objectRefPrevious;
if (isStoreAdditionalIdAndRef.get()) {
objectAdditionalIds = new int[size];
objectAdditionalRefs = new long[size];
objectAdditionalIds[0] = in.readVInt();
objectAdditionalRefs[0] = in.readVLong();
// get others
for (int t = 1; t < size; t++) {
objectRef = objectRefPrevious + in.readVLong();
objectRefs[t] = objectRef;
objectRefPrevious = objectRef;
if (isStoreAdditionalIdAndRef.get()) {
objectAdditionalIds[t] = in.readVInt();
objectAdditionalRefs[t] = in.readVLong();
return new MtasTreeItem(left, right, max, objectRefs, objectAdditionalIds,
objectAdditionalRefs, ref, leftChild, rightChild);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
* The Class MtasTreeItem.
private static class MtasTreeItem {
/** The max. */
public int left, right, max;
/** The object refs. */
public long[] objectRefs;
/** The additional ids. */
public int[] additionalIds;
/** The additional refs. */
public long[] additionalRefs;
/** The right child. */
public Long ref, leftChild, rightChild;
* Instantiates a new mtas tree item.
* @param left the left
* @param right the right
* @param max the max
* @param objectRefs the object refs
* @param additionalIds the additional ids
* @param additionalRefs the additional refs
* @param ref the ref
* @param leftChild the left child
* @param rightChild the right child
public MtasTreeItem(int left, int right, int max, long[] objectRefs,
int[] additionalIds, long[] additionalRefs, Long ref, Long leftChild,
Long rightChild) {
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
this.max = max;
this.objectRefs = objectRefs;
this.additionalIds = additionalIds;
this.additionalRefs = additionalRefs;
this.ref = ref;
this.leftChild = leftChild;
this.rightChild = rightChild;
* The Class MtasTreeHit.
* @param <T> the generic type
public static class MtasTreeHit<T> {
/** The start position. */
public int startPosition;
/** The end position. */
public int endPosition;
/** The ref. */
public long ref;
/** The additional id. */
public int additionalId;
/** The additional ref. */
public long additionalRef;
/** The ref data. */
public T data, idData, refData;
* Instantiates a new mtas tree hit.
* @param startPosition the start position
* @param endPosition the end position
* @param ref the ref
* @param additionalId the additional id
* @param additionalRef the additional ref
public MtasTreeHit(int startPosition, int endPosition, long ref,
int additionalId, long additionalRef) {
this.startPosition = startPosition;
this.endPosition = endPosition;
this.ref = ref;
this.additionalId = additionalId;
this.additionalRef = additionalRef;
data = null;
idData = null;
refData = null;
* Instantiates a new mtas tree hit.
* @param startPosition the start position
* @param endPosition the end position
* @param ref the ref
* @param additionalId the additional id
* @param additionalRef the additional ref
* @param data the data
public MtasTreeHit(int startPosition, int endPosition, long ref,
int additionalId, long additionalRef, T data) {
this(startPosition, endPosition, ref, additionalId, additionalRef); = data;
this.idData = null;
this.refData = null;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
return "hit[" + startPosition + "," + endPosition + "," + ref + ","
+ additionalId + "," + additionalRef + "] - " + idData + " - "
+ refData;
* Search mtas tree with interval tree.
* @param <T> the generic type
* @param <N> the number type
* @param additionalIds the additional ids
* @param intervalTree the interval tree
* @param in the in
* @param ref the ref
* @param objectRefApproxOffset the object ref approx offset
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public static <T, N extends IntervalTreeNode<T, N>> void searchMtasTreeWithIntervalTree(
Collection<Integer> additionalIds, IntervalTree<T, N> intervalTree,
IndexInput in, long ref, long objectRefApproxOffset) throws IOException {
ArrayList<IntervalItem<T, N>> checkList = new ArrayList<IntervalItem<T, N>>();
AtomicBoolean isSinglePoint = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicBoolean isStoreAdditionalId = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicLong nodeRefApproxOffset = new AtomicLong(-1);
checkList.add(new IntervalItem<T, N>(
getMtasTreeItem(ref, isSinglePoint, isStoreAdditionalId,
nodeRefApproxOffset, in, objectRefApproxOffset),
do {
IntervalItem<T, N> checkItem = checkList.remove(checkList.size() - 1);
searchMtasTreeWithIntervalTree(additionalIds, checkItem, in,
isSinglePoint, isStoreAdditionalId, objectRefApproxOffset,
nodeRefApproxOffset, checkList);
} while (checkList.size() > 0);
* Search mtas tree with interval tree.
* @param <T> the generic type
* @param <N> the number type
* @param additionalIds the additional ids
* @param checkItem the check item
* @param in the in
* @param isSinglePoint the is single point
* @param isStoreAdditionalId the is store additional id
* @param objectRefApproxOffset the object ref approx offset
* @param nodeRefApproxOffset the node ref approx offset
* @param checkList the check list
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static <T, N extends IntervalTreeNode<T, N>> void searchMtasTreeWithIntervalTree(
Collection<Integer> additionalIds, IntervalItem<T, N> checkItem,
IndexInput in, AtomicBoolean isSinglePoint,
AtomicBoolean isStoreAdditionalId, long objectRefApproxOffset,
AtomicLong nodeRefApproxOffset, ArrayList<IntervalItem<T, N>> checkList)
throws IOException {
MtasTreeItem treeItem = checkItem.mtasTreeItem;
IntervalTreeNode<T, N> intervalTreeNode = checkItem.intervalTreeNode;
if (intervalTreeNode.min <= treeItem.max) {
// advance intervalTree
while (intervalTreeNode.left > treeItem.max) {
if (intervalTreeNode.rightChild == null) {
if (intervalTreeNode.leftChild == null) {
} else {
intervalTreeNode = intervalTreeNode.leftChild;
} else if (intervalTreeNode.leftChild == null) {
intervalTreeNode = intervalTreeNode.rightChild;
} else {
if (intervalTreeNode.rightChild.min > treeItem.max) {
intervalTreeNode = intervalTreeNode.leftChild;
} else {
// find intervals matching current node
searchMtasTreeItemWithIntervalTree(additionalIds, treeItem,
// check leftChild
if (!treeItem.leftChild.equals(treeItem.ref)) {
MtasTreeItem treeItemLeft = getMtasTreeItem(treeItem.leftChild,
isSinglePoint, isStoreAdditionalId, nodeRefApproxOffset, in,
checkList.add(new IntervalItem<T, N>(treeItemLeft, intervalTreeNode));
// check rightChild
if (!treeItem.rightChild.equals(treeItem.ref)) {
MtasTreeItem treeItemRight = getMtasTreeItem(treeItem.rightChild,
isSinglePoint, isStoreAdditionalId, nodeRefApproxOffset, in,
checkList.add(new IntervalItem<T, N>(treeItemRight, intervalTreeNode));
* Search mtas tree item with interval tree.
* @param <T> the generic type
* @param <N> the number type
* @param additionalIds the additional ids
* @param treeItem the tree item
* @param intervalTreeNode the interval tree node
private static <T, N extends IntervalTreeNode<T, N>> void searchMtasTreeItemWithIntervalTree(
Collection<Integer> additionalIds, MtasTreeItem treeItem,
IntervalTreeNode<T, N> intervalTreeNode) {
ArrayList<IntervalTreeNode<T, N>> checkList = new ArrayList<IntervalTreeNode<T, N>>();
do {
IntervalTreeNode<T, N> checkItem = checkList.remove(checkList.size() - 1);
searchMtasTreeItemWithIntervalTree(additionalIds, checkItem,
treeItem.left, treeItem.right, treeItem.objectRefs,
treeItem.additionalIds, treeItem.additionalRefs, checkList);
} while (checkList.size() > 0);
* Search mtas tree item with interval tree.
* @param <T> the generic type
* @param <N> the number type
* @param requiredAdditionalIds the required additional ids
* @param intervalTreeItem the interval tree item
* @param startPosition the start position
* @param endPosition the end position
* @param refs the refs
* @param additionalIds the additional ids
* @param additionalRefs the additional refs
* @param checkList the check list
private static <T, N extends IntervalTreeNode<T, N>> void searchMtasTreeItemWithIntervalTree(
Collection<Integer> requiredAdditionalIds,
IntervalTreeNode<T, N> intervalTreeItem, int startPosition,
int endPosition, long[] refs, int[] additionalIds, long[] additionalRefs,
ArrayList<IntervalTreeNode<T, N>> checkList) {
if (startPosition <= intervalTreeItem.max) {
// match current node
if ((endPosition >= intervalTreeItem.left)
&& (startPosition <= intervalTreeItem.right)) {
// System.out.print("[" + startPosition + "-" + endPosition + "] ");
if (requiredAdditionalIds == null || additionalIds == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) {
MtasTreeHit<T> hit = new MtasTreeHit<T>(startPosition, endPosition,
refs[i], 0, 0);
for (ArrayList<MtasTreeHit<T>> list : intervalTreeItem.lists) {
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) {
MtasTreeHit<T> hit = new MtasTreeHit<T>(startPosition, endPosition,
refs[i], additionalIds[i], additionalRefs[i]);
for (ArrayList<MtasTreeHit<T>> list : intervalTreeItem.lists) {
if (requiredAdditionalIds.contains(hit.additionalId)) {
// check leftChild
if (intervalTreeItem.leftChild != null) {
IntervalTreeNode<T, N> treeItemLeft = intervalTreeItem.leftChild;
if (treeItemLeft.max >= startPosition) {
// check rightChild
if (intervalTreeItem.left < endPosition) {
if (intervalTreeItem.rightChild != null) {
IntervalTreeNode<T, N> treeItemRight = intervalTreeItem.rightChild;
if ((treeItemRight.left >= endPosition)
|| (treeItemRight.max >= startPosition)) {
* The Class IntervalItem.
* @param <T> the generic type
* @param <N> the number type
private static class IntervalItem<T, N extends IntervalTreeNode<T, N>> {
/** The mtas tree item. */
public MtasTreeItem mtasTreeItem;
/** The interval tree node. */
public IntervalTreeNode<T, N> intervalTreeNode;
* Instantiates a new interval item.
* @param mtasTreeItem the mtas tree item
* @param intervalTreeNode the interval tree node
public IntervalItem(MtasTreeItem mtasTreeItem,
IntervalTreeNode<T, N> intervalTreeNode) {
this.mtasTreeItem = mtasTreeItem;
this.intervalTreeNode = intervalTreeNode;