package mtas.parser.cql.util;

import mtas.parser.cql.ParseException;

 * The Class MtasCQLParserBasicSentencePartCondition.
public abstract class MtasCQLParserBasicSentencePartCondition {

  /** The minimum occurence. */
  protected int minimumOccurence;

  /** The maximum occurence. */
  protected int maximumOccurence;

  /** The optional. */
  protected boolean optional;

  /** The not. */
  protected boolean not;

   * Gets the query.
   * @return the query
   * @throws ParseException the parse exception
  public abstract MtasSpanQuery getQuery() throws ParseException;

   * Gets the minimum occurence.
   * @return the minimum occurence
  public int getMinimumOccurence() {
    return minimumOccurence;

   * Gets the maximum occurence.
   * @return the maximum occurence
  public int getMaximumOccurence() {
    return maximumOccurence;

   * Sets the occurence.
   * @param min the min
   * @param max the max
   * @throws ParseException the parse exception
  public void setOccurence(int min, int max) throws ParseException {
    if ((min < 0) || (min > max) || (max < 1)) {
      throw new ParseException("Illegal number {" + min + "," + max + "}");
    if (min == 0) {
      optional = true;
    minimumOccurence = Math.max(1, min);
    maximumOccurence = max;

   * Checks if is optional.
   * @return true, if is optional
  public boolean isOptional() {
    return optional;

   * Sets the optional.
   * @param status the new optional
  public void setOptional(boolean status) {
    optional = status;

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
  public String toString() {
    return toString("", "");

   * To string.
   * @param firstIndent the first indent
   * @param indent the indent
   * @return the string
  public String toString(String firstIndent, String indent) {
    String text = "";
    text += firstIndent + "PART";
    if (optional) {
      text += " OPTIONAL";
    if ((minimumOccurence > 1) || (minimumOccurence != maximumOccurence)) {
      if (minimumOccurence != maximumOccurence) {
        text += " {" + minimumOccurence + "," + maximumOccurence + "}";
      } else {
        text += " {" + minimumOccurence + "}";
    try {
      text += "\n" + indent + "- Query: "
          + getQuery().toString(getQuery().getField());
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      text += "\n" + indent + "- Query: " + e.getMessage();
    text += "\n";
    return text;
