package mtas.parser.cql.util;
import mtas.parser.cql.ParseException;
* The Class MtasCQLParserSentencePartCondition.
public class MtasCQLParserSentencePartCondition {
/** The first sentence. */
private MtasCQLParserSentenceCondition firstSentence = null;
/** The first basic sentence. */
private MtasCQLParserBasicSentenceCondition firstBasicSentence = null;
/** The first minimum occurence. */
private int firstMinimumOccurence;
/** The first maximum occurence. */
private int firstMaximumOccurence;
/** The first optional. */
private boolean firstOptional;
/** The second sentence part. */
MtasCQLParserSentencePartCondition secondSentencePart = null;
/** The or operator. */
private boolean orOperator = false;
/** The full condition. */
private MtasCQLParserSentenceCondition fullCondition = null;
/** The ignore clause. */
private MtasSpanQuery ignoreClause;
/** The maximum ignore length. */
private Integer maximumIgnoreLength;
* Instantiates a new mtas CQL parser sentence part condition.
* @param bs the bs
* @param ignore the ignore
* @param maximumIgnoreLength the maximum ignore length
public MtasCQLParserSentencePartCondition(
MtasCQLParserBasicSentenceCondition bs, MtasSpanQuery ignore,
Integer maximumIgnoreLength) {
firstMinimumOccurence = 1;
firstMaximumOccurence = 1;
firstOptional = false;
firstBasicSentence = bs;
this.ignoreClause = ignore;
this.maximumIgnoreLength = maximumIgnoreLength;
* Instantiates a new mtas CQL parser sentence part condition.
* @param s the s
* @param ignore the ignore
* @param maximumIgnoreLength the maximum ignore length
public MtasCQLParserSentencePartCondition(MtasCQLParserSentenceCondition s,
MtasSpanQuery ignore, Integer maximumIgnoreLength) {
firstMinimumOccurence = 1;
firstMaximumOccurence = 1;
firstOptional = false;
firstSentence = s;
this.ignoreClause = ignore;
this.maximumIgnoreLength = maximumIgnoreLength;
* Sets the first occurence.
* @param min the min
* @param max the max
* @throws ParseException the parse exception
public void setFirstOccurence(int min, int max) throws ParseException {
if (fullCondition == null) {
if ((min < 0) || (min > max) || (max < 1)) {
throw new ParseException("Illegal number {" + min + "," + max + "}");
if (min == 0) {
firstOptional = true;
firstMinimumOccurence = Math.max(1, min);
firstMaximumOccurence = max;
} else {
throw new ParseException("fullCondition already generated");
* Sets the first optional.
* @param status the new first optional
* @throws ParseException the parse exception
public void setFirstOptional(boolean status) throws ParseException {
if (fullCondition == null) {
firstOptional = status;
} else {
throw new ParseException("fullCondition already generated");
* Sets the or.
* @param status the new or
* @throws ParseException the parse exception
public void setOr(boolean status) throws ParseException {
if (fullCondition == null) {
orOperator = status;
} else {
throw new ParseException("fullCondition already generated");
* Sets the second part.
* @param sp the new second part
* @throws ParseException the parse exception
public void setSecondPart(MtasCQLParserSentencePartCondition sp)
throws ParseException {
if (fullCondition == null) {
secondSentencePart = sp;
} else {
throw new ParseException("fullCondition already generated");
* Creates the full sentence.
* @return the mtas CQL parser sentence condition
* @throws ParseException the parse exception
public MtasCQLParserSentenceCondition createFullSentence()
throws ParseException {
if (fullCondition == null) {
if (secondSentencePart == null) {
if (firstBasicSentence != null) {
fullCondition = new MtasCQLParserSentenceCondition(firstBasicSentence,
ignoreClause, maximumIgnoreLength);
} else {
fullCondition = firstSentence;
if (firstOptional) {
return fullCondition;
} else {
if (!orOperator) {
if (firstBasicSentence != null) {
fullCondition = new MtasCQLParserSentenceCondition(
firstBasicSentence, ignoreClause, maximumIgnoreLength);
} else {
fullCondition = new MtasCQLParserSentenceCondition(firstSentence,
ignoreClause, maximumIgnoreLength);
} else {
MtasCQLParserSentenceCondition sentence = secondSentencePart
if (firstBasicSentence != null) {
new MtasCQLParserSentenceCondition(firstBasicSentence,
ignoreClause, maximumIgnoreLength));
} else {
fullCondition = sentence;
return fullCondition;
} else {
return fullCondition;