Surefire Report


[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
105 0 0 0 100% 238.762

Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.

Package List

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Package Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
mtas.parser 54 0 0 0 100% 4.421
mtas.solr 23 0 0 0 100% 219.494 28 0 0 0 100% 14.847

Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
MtasCQLParserTestSentence 26 0 0 0 100% 0.173
MtasCQLParserTestWord 18 0 0 0 100% 0.32
MtasFunctionParserTest 10 0 0 0 100% 3.928


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
MtasSolrTestDistributedSearchConsistency 10 0 0 0 100% 98.738
MtasSolrTestSearchConsistency 13 0 0 0 100% 120.756

Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
MtasSearchTestConsistency 28 0 0 0 100% 14.847

Test Cases

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]


basicTestCQL10 0.011
basicTestCQL11 0.025
basicTestCQL12 0.016
basicTestCQL13 0.005
basicTestCQL14 0.005
basicTestCQL15 0.007
basicTestCQL16 0.011
basicTestCQL17 0.004
basicTestCQL18 0.002
basicTestCQL19 0.003
basicTestCQL20 0.014
basicTestCQL21 0.006
basicTestCQL22 0.004
basicTestCQL23 0.004
basicTestCQL24 0.007
basicTestCQL25 0.005
basicTestCQL26 0.004
basicTestCQL1 0.003
basicTestCQL2 0.003
basicTestCQL3 0.002
basicTestCQL4 0.003
basicTestCQL5 0.005
basicTestCQL6 0.009
basicTestCQL7 0.002
basicTestCQL8 0.003
basicTestCQL9 0.003


mtasRequestHandlerStatsTokens 0.18
mtasRequestHandlerTermvector1 34.166
mtasRequestHandlerTermvector2 26.628
mtasRequestHandlerStatsPositions 0.009
cqlQueryParserFilter 0.045
cqlQueryParser 0.043
mtasRequestHandlerCollection1 0.084
mtasRequestHandlerCollection2 0.088
mtasRequestHandlerStatsSpans 0.052
mtasRequestHandlerPrefix 0.008


mtasSolrSchemaPreAnalyzedParserAndField 0.043
mtasRequestHandlerStatsTokens 0.005
mtasRequestHandlerTermvector1 5.759
mtasRequestHandlerTermvector2 0.016
mtasRequestHandlerTermvector3 0.011
cqlQueryParserFilter 0.014
cqlQueryParser 0.019
mtasRequestHandlerStatsSpansAndPositions 0.003
mtasRequestHandlerCollection1 0.005
mtasRequestHandlerCollection2 0.025
mtasRequestHandlerCollection3 0.004
mtasRequestHandlerGroup1 0.153
mtasRequestHandlerGroup2 0.689


basicNotTestCQL1 0.158
basicNotTestCQL2 0.012
basicNotTestCQL3 0.023
basicNotTestCQL4 0.008
basicNotTestCQL5 0.01
basicTestCQL10 0.024
basicTestCQL11 0.004
basicTestCQL12 0.009
basicTestCQL13 0.003
basicTestCQL1 0.002
basicTestCQL2 0.004
basicTestCQL3 0.006
basicTestCQL4 0.005
basicTestCQL5 0.009
basicTestCQL6 0.007
basicTestCQL7 0.007
basicTestCQL8 0.009
basicTestCQL9 0.011


basicTestFunction1 0.159
basicTestFunction2 0.005
basicTestFunction3 0.091
basicTestFunction4 0.001
basicTestFunction5 0
basicTestFunction6 0.066
basicTestFunction7 0.06
basicTestFunction8 3.381
basicTestFunction9 0.001
basicTestFunction10 0


basicSearchIgnore 0.106
basicSearchFollowedBy1 0.057
basicSearchFollowedBy2 0.037
basicSearchStartSentence1 0.018
basicSearchStartSentence2 0.018
basicSearchFullyAlignedWith1 0.034
basicSearchFullyAlignedWith2 0.008
basicSearchIntersecting1 0.025
basicSearchIntersecting2 0.008
collectStatsPositions1 0.154
collectStatsPositions2 0.007
collectTermvector 0.398
basicSearchWithin1 0.064
basicSearchWithin2 0.064
basicSearchWithin3 0.073
basicSearchWithin4 0.07
basicSearchWithin5 0.009
basicSearchContaining1 0.039
basicSearchContaining2 0.156
basicSearchContaining3 0.072
basicSearchContaining4 0.005
basicSearchSequence 0.205
collectGroup 0.147
basicSearchPrecededBy1 0.038
basicSearchPrecededBy2 0.023
basicSearchNumberOfWords 0.052
collectStatsSpans1 0.028
collectStatsTokens 0.007