For indexing ISO-TEI resources, the mtas.analysis.parser.MtasTEIParser extending the abstract MtasXMLParser is available; full examples of configuration files are provided on GitHub.

<parser name="mtas.analysis.parser.MtasTEIParser">
  <!-- END MAPPINGS --->

The syntax of the parser part in the configuration file is, besides from the name attribute, almost identical to the configuration of the FoLiA-parser. An additional feature is the definition and use of variables, again illustrated and explained with examples.


From occurring elements, variable-mappings may be derived and defined. Just as references, these definitions are placed within a variables-tag outside the mappings-tag within the parser configuration section. In the example below the variable-mapping interval is defined from each occurring when-tag, defining a mapping from the id of the when-tag to value of the interval attribute.

  <variable name="when" value="interval">
      <item type="attribute" name="interval" />

This will define for a TEI resource containing

<timeline unit="s">
  <when xml:id="TLI_0"/>
  <when xml:id="TLI_1" interval="0.64" since="#TLI_0"/>
  <when xml:id="TLI_2" interval="9.7" since="#TLI_0"/>
  <when xml:id="TLI_3" interval="10.216" since="#TLI_0"/>
  <when xml:id="TLI_4" interval="13.052" since="#TLI_0"/>
  <when xml:id="TLI_5" interval="16.28" since="#TLI_0"/>

a mapping interval that will map for example “TLI_3” to “10.216”. Now, when defining other elements, for example a word, we can refer to this defined variable:

<mapping type="word" name="anchor">
  <token type="string" offset="false" realoffset="false" parent="false">
      <item type="name" />
      <item type="string" value=".time" />
      <item type="variableFromAttribute" name="interval" value="synch" />

describing the mapping for resource elements like

<anchor synch="#TLI_3"/>

This will define the postfix value from the generated token as the value in the defined mapping interval for the value defined by the sync attribute of the matching anchor tag. In the example above, this will generate a token with prefix “anchor.time” and postfix “10.216”.

Furthermore, if for an element in the mapping a start and end is defined, for example

<mapping type="groupAnnotation" name="span" start="from" end="to">

the start and end position of the elements referenced in the defined attributes is used for position and offset of the generated tokens. So, if the source contains

<w xml:id="w115">hier</w>
<w xml:id="w116">sehn</w>
<w xml:id="w117">wir</w>


<span from="#w116" to="#w116">sehen</span>

the tokens generated from the groupAnnotation mapping on the span-tag will have the position and offset from the word-tag with id “w116”.