
Illustration of a possible mapping from the resource sample listed before to the index structure.

The RealOffset is the real position of the element in the resource, the Offset is the position adjusted to the Lucene requirement that all elements with the same starting position should have the same starting offset.

Id RealOffset Offset Position Parent Payload Prefix Postfix
643 1985-40696 2154-39638 0 151 div chapter
5 2049-2377 2154-2349 0 643 head
3 2298-2313 2154-2349 0 4 lemma stemma
2 2242-2257 2154-2349 0 4 pos N(soort,ev,basis,onz,stan)
4 2100-2364 2154-2349 0 5 s
0 2214-2238 2154-2349 0 4 t Stemma
1 2214-2238 2154-2349 0 4 t_lc stemma
41 5372-5734 2503-2875 1-2 57 dependency su
40 5583-5711 2503-2698 1 41 dependency.dep
9 2646-2661 2503-2698 1 57 lemma Stemma
642 2384-39666 2503-39638 1-151 643 p firstparagraph
8 2588-2603 2503-2698 1 57 pos N(eigen,ev,basis,zijd,stan)
57 2452-9269 2503-4087 1-8 642 s
6 2560-2584 2503-2698 1 57 t Stemma
7 2560-2584 2503-2698 1 57 t_lc stemma
44 5747-6111 2702-3444 2,5 57 dependency predc
39 5455-5578 2702-2875 2 41 dependency.hd
42 5833-5956 2702-2875 2 44 dependency.hd
13 2826-2841 2702-2875 2 57 lemma zijn
12 2783-2798 2702-2875 2 57 pos WW(pv,tgw,ev)
10 2759-2779 2702-2875 2 57 t is
11 2759-2779 2702-2875 2 57 t_lc is

The payload above, although never set in this example, is not the regular payload as known from Lucene. All additional elements like RealOffset, range or set of positions and the reference to a parent element are encoded together with this optional Mtas specific payload into a classic Lucene payload. This enables future use of for example confidence levels on annotations.