For indexing FoLiA resources, the mtas.analysis.parser.MtasFoliaParser extending the abstract MtasXMLParser is available; full examples of configuration files are provided on GitHub.

<parser name="mtas.analysis.parser.MtasFoliaParser">
  <!-- END MAPPINGS --->

The configuration file defining the mapping has some specific settings for the FoLiA parser distinguishing several types of elements within the XML-based FoLiA resource:

Inside the mappings part of the configuration file, all elements are defined that may be mapped onto the index structure : words, wordAnnotations, groups, groupAnnotations and relations. Outside the mappings part the references can be defined, since a reference itself will never be mapped directly onto the index structure.

The use and meaning of the different elements is illustrated and explained by some examples.


In the parser configuration, a word can be defined by

<mapping type="word" name="w">

This will recognize every occurring w-tag within the FoLiA-resource as a word, defining the basic tokenization to be used in the mapping. To add a token for each occurring word, we have to add a token definition, for example

<mapping type="word" name="w">
  <token type="string" offset="false" realoffset="false" parent="false">
      <item type="name" />

Here the prefix is chosen to equal the name of the matching tag, and no offset, realOffset or parent will be included. To only add tokens conditionally, and/or to include the value from for example a provided attribute, we can define for example

<mapping type="word" name="w">
  <token type="string" offset="false" realoffset="false" parent="false">
      <item type="name" />
      <item type="attribute" name="class" />
    <item type="attribute" name="class" />
    <item type="attribute" name="class" not="true" condition="WORD" />

This will add tokens to the index for all w-tags with the attribute class set and unequal to “WORD”. The resulting single position tokens will have prefix value “w” and postfix value equal to the provided class.

If parent was set to true, the id of the first parenting group would have been used as parentId for the resulting token.

Word annotations

All elements occurring within a word can be defined as wordAnnotation.

<mapping type="wordAnnotation" name="lemma">
  <token type="string" offset="false" realoffset="false" parent="false">
      <item type="name" />
      <item type="attribute" name="class" />
    <item type="attribute" name="class" />

As illustrated in the next sample, not only attributes can be used, but also the text value within a matching tag. Furthermore, also multiple tokens can be generated from the same matching element. Finally, a filter may be applied.

<mapping type="wordAnnotation" name="t">
  <token type="string" offset="false" parent="true">
      <item type="name" />
      <item type="text" />
  <token type="string" offset="false" realoffset="false" parent="false">
      <item type="name" />
      <item type="string" value="_lc" />
      <item type="text" filter="ascii,lowercase" />

If parent is set to true, the id of the first parenting group will be used as parentId for the generated token.


Elements containing one or multiple words can be defined as group.

<mapping type="group" name="s">
  <token type="string" offset="false" parent="true">
      <item type="name" />
      <item type="attribute" name="class" />

The id of the first parenting group is used as parentId.

Group annotations

Elements within a group and not containing one or multiple words can be defined as groupAnnotation.

<mapping type="groupAnnotation" name="lang">
  <token type="string" offset="false" realoffset="false" parent="false">
      <item type="name" />
      <item type="attribute" name="class" />

If parent was set to true, the id of the first parenting group would have been used as parentId for the resulting token.


Elements containing one or multiple references and not containing one or multiple words can be defined as relation.

<mapping type="relation" name="entities">
<mapping type="relation" name="entity">
  <token type="string" offset="false" realoffset="false" parent="false">
      <item type="name" />
      <item type="attribute" name="class" />
      <item type="attribute" name="confidence" />
    <item type="ancestor" number="1" />
    <item type="ancestorName" condition="entities" />

Relation annotations

Elements within a relation can be defined as relationAnnotation.

<mapping type="relationAnnotation" name="lang">
  <token type="string" offset="false" realoffset="false" parent="false">
      <item type="name" />
      <item type="attribute" name="class" />
    <item type="attribute" name="href" />


Elements may be defined as reference to a word, for example wref elements referring in the ref attribute to the id of words.

  <reference name="wref" ref="id" />